Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 438
                     W.A. Hocker, Judge
Filed for Record December 11/1896,
  Recorded Dec 21st 1896,
                      H.C. Denton, Clk
                   by J.M. Richardson D.C.
               In the Circuit Court of the
             Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida
                     and for Alachua County
D.A. Miller etal          - In Chancery -
    Complainants              }
        vs                    }
Continental National Building } Order of Reference &c
and Loan Association, etal,   }
          Defendants          }  This cause came on
to be heard on the 21st day of December Ad 1896, upon the
bill of complaint and exhibits thereto attached, the answer of
the defendants and upon the motion of counsel for com-
plainants for appointment of Receiver as prayed in said
bill, and also upon motion heretofore made by the de-
fendants for dissolution of the injunction herein grant-
ed, and the parties having appeared by counsel and in-
troduced and filed sundry affidavits and other papers to
be used and read upon the hearing of said motion and
it being apparent to the Court that on account of the limi-
ted time at the command of the Judge he will not be
able to consider fully the matters presented by said plead-
ings, motions and affidavits, it is therefore ordered and de-
creed that this cause be referred to Richard McConathy, Esq,
of Ocala Florida, as Special Master of this Court and
that the said master be authorized and required to take
such testimony as may be produced by either of the par-
ties hereto, upon the questions presented by the pleadings
in said cause as now filed, or as may be filed by permission
of the said Master during the pending of the case before him
and report such evidence so taken with all due speed
to this Court, together with his findings upon the matters
of law and of fact presented in said cause touching the
rights, of the parties thereto or either of them, and that he make
his report to the Court with due speed, recommending the na-
ture and character and scope of such decree as in his opin-
ion and judgment should be herein entered.
It is further ordered that the said Special Master do require
that the costs of taking the evidence upon this reference
shall be taxed against and paid by the respective parties
in whose behalf said evidence may be taken or wit-
nesses examined
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 13 February 2015
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