Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 440
                                In the 5th Judicial Cir-
                                cuit of Florida, Alachua
The Florida Fertilizer mfg Co } County, In Chancery
          vs                  } 
J.B. Warren                   } Foreclosure of Mortgage
                              }        Final Decree
                            This cause coming on to be heard upon
the bill and Exhibit and it appearing to the Court that a decree
pro confesso was entered Dec 8th AD 1896, and it further
appearing that the said defendant is indebted to the complain-
ant The Florida Fertilizer Manufacturing Company
in the sum of $163.95 principal and interest to Dec 17th,
AD 1896, and it further appearing that said sum is secured
by mortgage which was executed by the said J.B. Warren de-
fendant to the said Florida Fertilizer manufacturing Company
on the 17th day of October AD 1891, upon certain personal
property described therein which said original mortgage
in now exhibited to the Court and filed with the papers in
the cause, it is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed that the said
defendant J.B. Warren do pay within five days from this date
to the complainant herein the said Florida Fertilizer Manufact-
uring Company or their attorney the sum of $163.95 and the 
costs of this suit and to Finley & Tapp attorney's fees the sum of
$41.00 and in default thereof of said payment, it is ordered and
decreed E.E. Voyle who is hereby appointed Special Master
for that purpose, do sell at public auction to the highest bidder
for cash after having advertised the time and place for sale
as required by law in some newspaper published in
Alachua County Florida, the following described personal
property to-wit: Twenty head of stock cattle marked with
crop & 1/2 crop & split in each ear and branded "JW" together
with all increase of said cattle and out of the proceeds
of said sale he is directed to pay all costs of this suit, and
the expenses of same and to Finley & Tapp attorneys fees of
$41.00 and to the complainant The Florida Fertilizer Manufactur-
ing Company the sum of $163.95 with interest from Dec 17th
1896, at the rate of 8% and if any sum of money remain
after paying said sum pay the same to the defendant
therein, It is further ordered adjudged and decreed that from
and after said sale the defendant J.B. Warren and all persons
claiming by through or under him be forever and from hence-
forth barred from all right of redemption in and to the said
property in said mortgage deed described & hereby decreed to
be sold, the said Special Master is further directed to make
deed or bill of sale to the purchaser of said property, without
any further order or decree from this court
 Done and ordered this 17th day of December AD 1896,
                       W.A. Hocker Judge
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 February 2015
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