Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 442
And now on this day comes the complainant by their sol-
icitors Finley & Tapp and moves the Court for a decree writ
of execution for the balance due to the complainant by J.B.
Warren the sum of $204.95 (as shown by the Report of E.
E. Voyle Special Master filed in said cause, in con-
formity to the statute in such cases made and pro-
vided This 29th day of December AD 1896,
                 Finley & Tapp,
                        Solicitors for complainant
Upon reading and examining the foregoing report of the
Special Master together with the attached statements and
the motion of complainants solicitor thereupon upon
consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed that
the complainant The Florida Fertilizer Manufacturing Com-
pany a Corporation duly and legally organized under the
laws of the State of Florida with its head business office
in Gainesville Alachua County Florida do have and
recover the said sum of Two hundred & four dollars and
ninety-five cents (204.95) of and from the defendant
J.B. Warren and that this decree do operate as a lien upon
the real and personal property of the said defendant
J.B. Warren and that an execution do issue hereon
as at common law in favor of said complainant
and against the said defendant the said J.B. Warren
to satisfy and pay the same.
Done and Ordered at Ocala Florida,
This 29th December 1896,
                     W.A. Hocker, Judge
Filed for Record Dec 30th 1896,
Recorded Dec 31st 1896,
                     H.C. Denton, Clk
                   by J.M. Richardson D.C.

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 February 2015
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