Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 443
                       In the Circuit Court of Florida, 5th
                      Judicial Circuit in and for Alachua
                      County Florida - In Chancery
Hattie A. Veitch }
     vs          }
Wm H. Veitch     } Divorce     - Final Decree -
                   The above styled cause coming on for fi-
nal hearing upon motion of B.A. Thrasher, solicitor for Com-
plainant for a final decree in said cause, and it appearing
to the Court that a decree pro-confesso was duly taken and
entered herein and it further appearing to the Court from
the testimony as taken and reported by W.S. Broome as Special
Master, that the allegations and charges contained in complainants bill
of complaint are sustained by the evidence, It is therefore considered ordered,
and decreed by the Court that the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing be-
tween the complainant Hattie A. Veitch and the defendant W.H.
Veitch be and the same are hereby forever and absolutely dissolved
and the said marriage relationship annulled as though the same had
never existed - And it is further ordered and decreed by the
Court that Mrs Hattie A. Veitch the complainant do have full
charge & control of W.H. Veitch, Mabel Veitch and Jennie Veitch
the three minor children the issue of said marriage, Done at
Chambers at Ocala Florida, this 11th day of January AD 1897,
Filed for record & Recorded Jan 14 1897 W.A. Hocker, Judge
                H.C. Denton Clerk
                    by J.M. Richardson D.C

                     In the Circuit Court 5th Judi-
                          cial Circuit of Florida, In
                           and for Alachua County, In
The Atlanta Trust & Banking      }
Company, a Corporation under     }
the laws of the State of Georgia }
as Trustee,                      }
              vs                 }
The Suwannee River               } 
Phosphate Company a              } Mortgage Foreclos-
Corporation, under the           } ure.
laws of the State of Georgia     }
                    Decree for deficiency &c
This cause came, on to be further heard, and it appear-
ing from the report of E.E. Voyle as Special Master
in Chancery, filed herein on January 2nd AD 1897, that
the mortgaged property has been sold according to law
and that the proceeds realized from the sale of the same are
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 February 2015
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