Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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insufficient to pay the decree heretofore rendered in this
cause, and that there is still due and owing to the com-
plainant, as Trustee for the holder the bonds secured
in & by the mortgage foreclosed, by the defendant the
sum of $86,727. 62/" and the Court being advised in the
premises, thereupon, upon consideration hereof, It is
ordered adjudged and decreed that the said Complain-
ant, The Atlanta Trust and Banking Company, as Trus-
tee do have and recover of and from the defendant, the
said, The Suwannee River Phosphate Company, the
said sum of Eighty Six thousand and Seven hundred
and twenty seven & 62/100 dollars ($86727 62/") together
with all costs that may accrue hereon, as at common
law, and defendant in mercy &c,
Done and ordered at Chambers at Brooksville Flor-
ida on this 12th day of January AD 1897,
                          W.A. Hocker
              In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th
             Judicial Circuit In and for Ala-
                chua County, In chancery
Charlie Williams   }
     vs            } Divorce,
Amanda S. Williams }
                                This cause coming on
to be heard on this day upon application of complain-
ants counsel for a final decree therein, wherein Charlie
Williams is complainant and Amanda S. Williams is
defendant & the Court being advised of its decision & being
satisfied from the evidence filed in said Court that the
allegation of abandonment & desertion in complainants bill
have been fully maintained, and proved & the Court being ad-
vised of its decision therein. It is hereby considered, ordered,
adjudged and decreed by the Court that the contract of mar-
riage heretofore entered into by & between the complainant
Charlie Williams & the defendant Amanda S. Williams be
and the same is hereby set aside, cancelled, declared & adjudged
to be wholly null & void & of no further force or effect & the
complainant & defendant herein are hereby adjudged and de-
creed to be forever divorced "A. Vinculo Matrimonii"
from each other,
  Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida
this 11th day of January AD 1897,
                        W.A. Hocker, Judge
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 February 2015
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