Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 445
Filed for Record Jany 14/1897,
 Recorded Jany 21st 1897,
                             H.C. Denton, Clk
                            by J.M. Richardson D.C.

                   In the Circuit Court of Florida,
                     Fifth Judicial Circuit, In and 
                     for Alachua County, In Chancery
Leopold Furchgott, trading      }
in the City of Jacksonville, in }
Duval County, Florida,          }
under the firm name and         } Bill to subject the
style of                        } Separate Statutory
Kohn, Furchgott & Co            } Property of a Married
          vs                    } Woman to the payment
S.L. Mattair and J.B. Mat-      } of her debts, etc,
tair, her husband.              }
                                    Final Decree
This cause coming on to be further heard, and it ap-
pearing to the Court that a decree pro confesso has here-
tofore been entered up in this cause, and the cause refer-
red to a Master to take testimony in support of the alle-
gations in complainants bill, to make an accounting
and finding and that said Master has made and filed
his report and findings herein, and the Court being
advised in the premises, thereupon, upon consideration
hereof, It is ordered, adjudged and decreed
First: That the report of C.L. Fildes, Esq., as Special
master in Chancery, filed in this cause on the 18th day of
January 1897, be and the same is herein and hereby con-
firmed in every particular.
Second: That the said defendant S.L. Mattair, is
indebted to the complainant in the sum of Two hundred
ninety-seven and 17/100 Dollars ($297.17) for goods and
merchandise sold her by complainants upon the faith
and credit of her separate statutory property for the
purposes of enabling her to enlarge and replenish her
stock and trade in the usual course of business, and
her separate statutory property which is described in
complainants bill, to-wit: Being all of those certain
lots, tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situated, lying and
being in Waldo, Alachua County, Florida, particularly
described as follows, to-wit: Lots one (1), two (2) and
ten (10) block twenty-six (26) in the town of Waldo
according to the official plat of said town of Waldo
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 February 2015
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