Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 446
as surveyed and platted by P.W.O. Koerner together
with the improvements thereon, is liable for said indebt-
Third: That the said S.L. Mattair do pay this decree together
with the costs of this suit to be taxed up by the Clerk of
this Court within ten days from date or in default thereof
that the said described real estate be sold by Charles L.
Fildes Esq., as a Special Master in Chancery who is
herein and hereby appointed as such special Master
to execute this decree at the time and place, and in the
manner prescribed by law as the separate statutory prop-
erty of the said S.L. Mattair, or a sufficient amount
thereof to satisfy and pay said decree and costs, That
said Master do execute and deliver proper deed or deeds
of conveyance to and for said property to the purchaser
thereof and therefor, and do put the purchaser in the possession
of the property and do pay the proceeds arising from the sale
of said property to the complainant, or to his solicitors of
record, and the over-plus as the Court may direct.
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida, on
this 22nd day of January, AD 1897,
                      W.A. Hocker, Judge,
Filed for Record January 22nd 1897,
 Recorded January 23rd 1897,
               H.C. Denton, Clerk
                by J.M. Richardson D.C.

  In Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit
        Alachua County Florida
Jane W. Butcher and        }
Robert S. Butcher her      }
husband Complainant        }
        vs                 } Order appointing Special Master
Wm A. Paulsen and          }
Elizabeth Paulsen his wife }
                             It appearing to the court from the files in the
above entitled cause that a decree pro confesso has been entered against
the defendants for failure to plead answer or demurr to complainants
bill. It is hereby ordered adjudged and decreed that Charles L. Fildes
Esq be and is hereby appointed Special Master to take testimony
and report to the Court the amount due Complainants including
a reasonable solicitors fee with all convenient speed
Done this 30th day of November AD 1896
                                  W.A. Hocker Judge
Filed Dec 11 1896
Recorded this Feby 1/1897
                    H.C. Denton Clerk by J.C. Balis DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 14 February 2015
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