Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 450
                      In the Circuit Court
                    of Florida, Fifth Judicial
                     Circuit, In and for Alachua
                     County - In Chancery -
H.C. Cato, as Guardian         }
of and for Ethel Avent, George }
Avent and Margaret Avent,      }
minor children of W.M. Avent   }
         -vs-                  } Bill to Foreclose
W.W. Baurn and M.O. Baurn      }   a Mortgage
his wife.
              Decree of Foreclosure
 This cause came on to be heard, and it appearing to the
Court that a decree pro-confesso had been entered up
against the defendants for want of plea, answer or de-
murrer to complainants bill of complaint, and the com-
plainant having filed herewith the original note and
mortgage sued upon and an affidavit as to attorneys
fees, and the Court being advised in the premises there-
upon, upon consideration hereof it is ordered ad-
judged and decreed as follows to-wit:
First: That the complainant do have and recover of
and from the defendants W.W. Baurn and M.O. Baurn,
his wife, the amount of the note and mortgage sued upon
aggregating the sum of One Hundred Seventy dollars
($170.00) and the further sum of thirty-seven dollars
($37.00) attorneys fees allowed to complainant's solici-
tors for foreclosing this mortgage; and that the defend-
ants do pay the same together with the costs of this pro-
ceeding, within ten days from date, or in default
thereof, that Chas L. Fildes Esquire is herein and hereby
appointed as Special Master in Chancery to execute
this decree and to advertise and sell at the time and
place, and in the manner prescribed by law the mort-
gaged property described in complainant's bill, to-wit:
all the following described piece, parcel or tract of land
situated, lying and being in the County of Alachua in
the State of Florida, and in the town of Waldo and par-
ticularly described as follows, to-wit:
    Lot "G" in P.W.W. Sparkman's Addition to the
town of Waldo, in said Alachua County, Florida,
  Together with all and singular the tenements, here-
ditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in
anywise appertaining, - to satisfy and pay said decree
and do pay the proceeds arising from the sale of the
said property to the complainant or to his solicitors
of record, that the said Master do make proper deed
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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