Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 453
                          In Circuit 5th Judicial Circuit
                            Alachua County Florida, In Chancery
W.P. Sumner etal,           }
         vs                 }
S.L. Mattair & J.B. Mattair }
           her husband      }
                         We consent to appointment
of R.E. Davis Esq., as a Special Master to take testimony
in this cause, make an accounting and report to the Court,
as provided by law,
      Feby 24th 1897,
                        Hampton & Ammons
                         Sols for complainant,
                              Evans Haile
                                 Defts Sols,
 This cause came on to be heard and thereupon upon
consideration hereof, It is ordered, adjudged and
decreed that this cause be and is hereby referred to R.E.
Davis Esq., as Special Master to take testimony make
an accounting and report to the Court as provided by
law. Done and ordered at chambers at Ocala Florida
Feby 24th 1897,
                     W.A. Hocker,
Filed Feby 26/1897,          Judge
 Recorded Feby 26/1897,
                       H.C. Denton, Clerk
                      by J.M. Richardson D.C.

                 In the Circuit Court of Florida
                 Fifth Judicial Circuit, In
                and for Alachua County
                   - In Chancery -
James R. Wright         }
      vs                }
Christiana C. Jones and }
S.A. Jones her husband  } Bill for partition of
                           Real Estate
           Decree of Partition
 This cause coming on to be heard upon motion of com-
plainant upon the pleadings and the Court being
advised in the premises thereupon, upon consideration
hereof, it is ordered, adjudged and decreed that the com-
plainant is entitled to an undivided one-tenth (1/10)
interest in the property described and set forth in
complainants bill of complaint, and that the defendant
Christiana C. Jones is entitled to nine-tenths (9/10)
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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