Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 456
                In the Circuit Court, the Fifth
              Judicial Circuit of Florida, Alachua
                  County, In Chancery
Samuel J. Purdy   }
       vs         } Foreclosure of Mortgage
J.H. Vinson and   }
wife E.A. Vinson  }
               Decree of Foreclosure
  This cause this day having been brought on to be heard,
upon the bill of complaint filed therein and it appear-
ing from the record that, a decree pro confesso has been
duly entered against the defendants herein for want of
appearance, plea, answer or demurrer to complainants
bill filed herein, therefore upon consideration hereof
it is ordered, adjudged and decreed, as follows to wit
That the complainant is entitled to a foreclosure of the
fortgage mentioned in his bill of complaint and made
a part of the record herein, and that the defendant J.
H. Vinson is indebted to the complainant in the sum
of ten hundred ninety-one & 75/100 dollars for principal and
interest due and payable as per the terms and condi-
tions, of the note and mortgage sued upon and the fur-
ther sum of One Hundred and thirty dollars for complain-
ants solicitors fees for the foreclosure of this said mort-
gage, together with the costs of this suit the same to
be entered up by the Clerk of the Court and that the de-
fendant pay the same within ten days next, follow-
ing the date hereof
2nd, It is ordered, adjudged and decreed that in de-
fault of the payment, and satisfaction of this decree
in full within the time above limited therein that
Robt E. Davis who is herein and hereby appointed
a Special Master in Chancery to execute this de-
cree do advertise and sell in time and manner pre-
scribed by law the said mortgaged property to wit:
All the following described piece, parcel or tract of
land situated, lying and being in the County of Ala-
chua, State of Florida, to-wit:
Commencing at a live Oak stake Twenty-Five
chains and ninety links East of the South west corner
of Section thirty one (31) in Township Eleven (11)
South of Range Twenty one (21) East, and the section
line of said Section, thence running North 14 °
48' E. Nine 9, chains Twenty (20) links, thence
East Nineteen (19) chains and thirty seven (37)
links, thence North Four (4) chains and Forty
one (41) links, thence East Seven (7) chains and 
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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