Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 457
Fifty four 54, links, thence South thirteen (13) chains and
thirty five (35) links, thence West Twenty Nine (29) chains and
ten (10) links to the point of beginning containing Twenty
eight and one fourth acres excepting about one fourth of
an acre used as a public highway together with all
and singular the tenements hereditaments and appur-
tenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertain-
ing and that the said Master do make proper deed or deeds
of conveyance to whomsoever may purchase the same
and that he pay the proceeds arising from the sale of the
said mortgaged land and premises or a sufficient
amount thereof to satisfy this decree to complain-
ant or his solicitor of record and the excess if any
to the defendants.
3rd, That in the event the proceeds arising from the sale
of the said property be insufficient to satisfy this decree
then in that event, the said Master report such deficiency
to the court for such further order as may be just and
4th: And it is further, ordered, adjudged and decreed
that the said J.H. Vinson and E.A. Vinson his wife and
each of them and each every and all other person or
persons now claiming or hereafter to claim by through or
under them or either of them since the commencement of
suit, stand absolutely and forever debarred and foreclosed
of and from all right of redemption of in or to the said prop-
erty and every part thereof and forever.
Fifth that the said Master be vested with authority to put
in possession the purchaser or purchasers of the land
sold under this decree,
  Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida
this 13th day of March AD 1897,
                      W.A. Hocker
  Filed for Record March 15/1897,
   Recorded March 18-1897,
                    H.C. Denton, Clerk by
                      J.M. Richardson D.C.

           In the Circuit Court the Fifth Judicial
           Circuit of Florida in and for Alachua
              County   -In Chancery-
Joseph H. Ulmer       }
      vs              }
L.C. Ellis and his    } Foreclosure of Mortgage
wife Susie E. Ellis   }
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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