Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 458
                   Decree of Foreclosure
  This cause having been this day brought on to be heard
upon the bill of complaint filed therein and it appearing from
the record that a decree pro confesso has been duly entered
up against the defendants for want of plea answer or de-
murrer to complainants bill of complaint, Therefore upon
consideration hereof it is ordered, adjudged and de-
creed as follows, to-wit:
 That the Complainant is entitled to the foreclosure of
the mortgage mentioned in the bill of complaint and
made a part of the record herein, and that the defendants
L.C. Ellis and Susie E. Ellis his wife are indebted to
the Complainant in the sum of Four Hundred Seventy four
dollars and Ninety six cents for principal and interest
due and payable according to the provisions of the note
and mortgage sued upon, and the further sum of seven-
ty two dollars for complainants solicitors fees, for the
foreclosure of this said mortgage, together with the costs
of this suit to be entered up by the Clerk of the Court and
that the defendant pay the same within ten days next fol-
lowing the date hereof.
2nd - That in default of the payment of this decree, in full
within the time above stated, then in that case, Robt
E. Davis who is herein and hereby appointed a Spec-
ial Master in Chancery to execute this decree do
advertise and sell in time and manner prescribed
by law the said mortgaged property to-wit:
All of that certain piece parcel and tract of land
situated lying and being in the County of Alachua
State of Florida to-wit:
 In Block 28, of Brush's Addition to the City of
Gainesville, Fla, and more particularly described
as follows:
    Commencing at the southeast corner of A.J.
Cones Lot, on Arredonda Street, thence West 208
feet to the beginning of the land hereinafter described
thence North 161 feet, thence West 135 feet to a cor-
ner, thence South 161 feet to the North side of Orange
street, Thence East along the north side of Orange
Street 135 feet, to the point of beginning, all being
in the town of Gainesville Florida in the North
East quarter of section Five Tp 10, Range 20 E,
together with all and singular the tenements here-
ditaments and appurtenances to the same belong-
ing or in anywise appertaining and that the
said Master do make proper deed, or deeds of con-
veyance to whomsoever may purchase the same
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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