Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 461
for final decree and it appearing that said cause was re-
ferred to E.E. Voyle Esq., as Special Master in Chancery to
take the testimony ex-parte in support of the complainants
bill of complaint, and to make his findings thereon, and it
appearing to the Court that said Master in Chancery has taken
said testimony and reported the same, together with his find-
ings thereon, and the court being advised in the premises
thereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered, ad-
judged and decreed that the report and findings of E.E.
Voyle, as Special Master in Chancery in said cause filed
herein on the 23rd day of April, AD 1897, be and the same is
herein and hereby confirmed in every respect.
2nd, It is herein and hereby decreed that the assessment of the
land described in this cause for taxis for the year 1888,
and also the certificate of sale No 428, based upon assess-
ment, and dated September 20th 1889, be and the same are
herein and hereby decreed to be null and void, and of no
force or effect, and the same are herein and hereby de-
creed and directed to be cancelled in so far as the prop-
erty involved in this suit is affected thereby
3rd, It is further decreed that the tax deed made and issued
by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Alachua County, Florida
dated the third day of June AD 1891, to the Savannah & Florida
Phosphate & Land Company are of the defendants in said
cause, covering the property involved in this suit, to-wit:
The West half, the West half of the Northeast quarter and
the West half of the Southeast quarter of section twenty-
three, Township Ten (10) South of Range Seventeen (17) East
same being recorded upon the public records of Alachua
County Florida, in Tax Book "B" at page 739, and also
the quit-claim deed from the Savannah & Florida, Phos-
phate & Land Company covering said property to Annie
L. DaCosta, dated the first day of November AD 1894, and
recorded upon the public records of Alachua County
Florida, in Deed Book No 42 at page 64, and also
that certain indenture of mortgage for the sum of seven
hundred twenty dollars ($720.00) made, executed and de-
livered on the 28th day of August 1894, by Annie L. DaCosta
and A.J. DaCosta, her husband to the said Savannah
& Florida Phosphate & Land Company, being recorded upon
the public records of Alachua County Florida, in mort-
gage Book 20, page 211, and also that certain decree
of foreclosure of mortgage made and rendered by Hon.
W.A. Hocker, Judge of the Circuit Court 5th Judicial
Circuit in and for Alachua County, on the 26th day of
May AD 1896, in a certain cause pending in Alachua
County Florida, in chancery side of said Court wherein
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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