Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 463
                       In the Circuit Court of Florida
                      5th Judicial Circuit, In and
                      for Alachua County, In Chancery

The Central City Building  }
& Loan Association         }
         vs                } Bill to Foreclose a
William J. Walker and Mary }    mortgage
A. Walker, his wife        }
                  Decree of Foreclosure
      This cause coming on to be further heard, and it
appearing to the court that a decree pro confesso has been duly en-
tered up against the defendants herein and this "cause re-
ferred to a Master in Chancery said Master having made
his report and finding, which was filed in this cause
on the 21st day of April AD 1897, and the court being advised
in the premises, thereupon upon consideration hereof
it is ordered, adjudged and decreed as follows, to-wit:
1st That the Complainant is entitled to the foreclosure of
its mortgage and that the report of the Master filed in
this cause on the 21st day of April, 1897, be, and the same
is herein and hereby confirmed in every particular, and
that the defendant William J. Walker, is indebted to the com-
plainant company in the sum of one thousand nine hun-
dred fourteen and 2/100 Dollars ($1,914.02) for principal, in-
terest, dues and fines to date, and the further sum of One Hun-
dred seventy ($170.00) Dollars as attorneys fees, to be allowed
to complainants solicitor for the foreclosure of this mort-
gage, together with the costs of this proceeding, to be taxed
up by the Clerk of this court, and that the defendant do
pay the same within five days from the date of this de-
2nd, That in event the said defendant, William J.
Walker, should fail to pay this decree, fees and
costs within the time above required then in that
case that said mortgaged property, to-wit:
All of that certain lot, tract, piece, or parcel of land,
situated, lying and being in the town of Windsor
in the County of Alachua, in the state of Florida,
and known, distinguished and described as follows,
to-wit: Lot number twenty five (25) according to
the map or plat of North Windsor and lying on the
West side of Green Street and bounded on the east
by said street, said map made by W.W. Bailey and re-
corded upon the records of Alachua County Florida
and containing by estimation, sixty two acres of
land, more or less.
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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