Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 465
                  Spring Term A.D. 1897

                   Tuesday May 11th 1897

  At a regular Term of the Circuit Court of the Fifth
Judicial Circuit of Florida in and for Alachua County
for the Spring Term A.D. 1897, begun and holden on this the
11th day of May 1897 at the Court House in the City of
Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida the following proceedings
were begun and held, to wit:
 At which was present his Honor W.A. Hocker Judge of the
Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida, L.W. Fennell Sheriff
of Alachua County and H.C. Denton Clerk of this Court.

And now comes L.W. Fennell, Sheriff of Alachua County and
returns the venire for thirty Jurors who had been regularly drawn
at least fifteen days before this Term of the Court in presence of
of the County Judge and sheriff, such drawing being publicly
made after ten days previous written notice being posted in
three public places in Alachua County and being proclaimed
by the sheriff at the door of the Court House just prior
to the drawing as required by Chapter 4386 Section 2 laws of
       said return showing that he had executed the same
Florida ^ by summoning the following named persons to wit:
W.G. Vidion, C.E. Johnson, W.W. Brice, W.D. Cauthen, L.C. Doane
G.W. Hyde, E.B. Godwin, E.C. Bailey, J.C. Blitch, Wiley Hines,
M.J. Ward, George Smith, T.M. Kirby, J.H. Dyess, W.J. Matthews
W.A. Porter, R.W. Higdon, J.S. Mikell, E.T. Hawthorn, Joseph W.
Malphurs, M.E. Bennett, Isaac Mizelle, P.M. Geiger, J.J. Boone
Reuben Ford, Stewart Hotchkins, C.C. Cox, M.J. Beckham and
S.C. Hayman in person, W.H. Lambert not to be found in the
    Whereupon for good and sufficient cause shown the
Court excused E.B. Godwin, W.J. Matthews and R.W. Higdon
from further attendance upon the Court.
And now the list of Jurors duly drawn and summoned being called
and after being examined as to their qualifications and after
hearing excuses, only twenty six persons were present and
qualified, and their names having been placed in a box and
drawn therefrom as a Grand Jury, the following named persons
were drawn, sworn and empaneled as a Grand Jury for this
the Spring Term of our Circuit Court A.D. 1897 to wit:
      1 George Smith, 2 W.W. Brice, 3 M.E. Burnett, 4 Stewart
Hotchkins, 5 W.A. Porter, 6 J.H. Dyess, 7 E.C. Bailey, 8 C.C. Cox 9 Reuben
Ford, 10 J.S. Mikell, 11 Wiley Hines, 12 P.M. Geiger, 13 E.T. Hawthorn
14 T.M. Kirby, 15 M.J. Ward, 16 W.D. Cauthen, 17 J.J. Boone 18 S.C. Hayman
       Whereupon the Court drew from the box the re-
maining names to serve as Petit Jurors for this the first
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 15 February 2015
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