Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 467
            Spring Term, A.D. 1897
              Tuesday May 11th 1897,
Witness the Hon W.A. Hocker, Judge of our Circuit Court,
and the seal of said court, this the 11th day of May A.D. 1897,
                   (seal)           H.C. Denton
                                     Clerk Circuit Court
Now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County and
returns the venire for the four jurors to complete the panel
of the Petit Jury, for this the first week of the present term of
our Circuit Court, as having been executed, by summoning
the following named persons, to wit: -
                                     H.F. Watts, S.J. Bur-
nett, J.M. Dell, Z.M. Sanders, in person; and now the pan-
el of the Petit Jury being complete, for this the first week,
of this term, there came as petit Jurors the following named
persons, to wit: - Isaac Mizelle Joseph W. Malphurs,
W.G. Videon, J.C. Blitch, M.J. Beckham, G.W. Hyde, L.C. Doane
C.E. Johnson, H.F. Watts. S.J. Burnett, J.M. Dell, Z.M. Sanders,
       Whereupon the Court proceeded to sound the Civil
   R.B. Post, Surviving Partner,        }
   of Post and Hobby                    }
                 vs                     }   Asspt
   E.C.F. Sanchez, Surviving Partner    }
   of E.C.F. Sanchez & Bro              }
                              And now this cause is continued
by consent.

   Z.T. Smallwood              }
           vs                  }   Asspt
   R.J. Camp & Bro             }
                              And now this cause is continued

   Charlotte K. Zetrouer et al          }
                    vs                  }   Ejectment
   John J. Barr,                        }
                              And now this cause is continued

   W.J. Lindsay               }
          vs                  }   Ejectment
   Florida Southern           }
   R.R. Co.                   }
                              And now this cause is continued

   W.J. Knight               }
        vs                   }   Ejectment
   S.F & W. Rwy Co.          }  And now this cause is continued
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 17 February 2014
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