Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 471
                              Spring Term, A.D. 1897,
                             Wednesday May 12th 1897,
          The Ellsworth Trust Company }
                    vs                } Ejectment
          Chas Eddy etux              }
                                and now this cause is continued.
          State of Florida  }
                   vs       } Breaking and Entering wit intent
          William Conner, & } to commit felony.
          Warren Jordan,    }
                          Now this cause coming on to be heard, Syd
          L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the au-
          thority of the State of Florida, and the prisoners, William Con-
          ner and Warren Jordan being in open court in their proper
          persons were arraigned, and upon their arraignment, plead-
          ed guilty as charged in the indictment,
             Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoners in manner and
          form as follows,
[Sentence]          The Sentence of the law is that your Warren
          Jordan be imprisoned by confinement in the State Prison
          for six months at hard labor, and,
[Sentence]          The Sentence of the law is, that you William
          Conner be imprisoned by confinement in the State Prison
          for six months at hard labor,

          State of Florida }
                 vs        } Resisting an Officer
          Warren Jordan,   }
                     and now this cause is nol prossed
          by the state.

                                 In the Circuit Court Fifth
                                  Judicial Circuit of Florida
                                   in and for Alachua County
          In re Application of    }
          George M. Lynch for     }
          License to practice Law } 
           To Hon. W.A. Hocker, Judge of said Court: -
                                                  Your pe-
          titioner, George M. Lynch of said County and State
          would respectfully show unto your Honor that he is
          over the age of twenty one years and of good moral charac-
          ter, and that he is desirous of obtaining a license to prac-
          tice law.
              Wherefore, he would humbly pray your Honor that
          you cause him to submit himself to a personal es-  
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 17 February 2015
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