Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 472
                 Spring Term AD 1897,
                  Wednesday May 12 - 1897
amination by the Judge or by a committee appointed by the
Court to test his qualifications for the practice of the law,
  And petitioner will ever pray, &c.
                                     Geo M. Lynch
We, the undersigned attorneys-at-law, do hereby certify that the
above named petitioner is over the age of twenty one years and
is of good moral character
                                   J.M. Rivers
This May 12-1897,                  Chas L. Fildes
                   In the Circuit Court, Fifth Judicial Cir-
                   cuit of Florida, in and for Alachua County,
In re application of Geo M. Lynch, }
for License to Practice Law,       }
                                 And now comes the petitioner
herein, Geo.M. Lynch, by his attorney Chas L. Fildes and moves
a ruling by the Court upon his petition herein filed this 12th
day of May AD 1897,
                         Chas L. Fildes,
                               For Petitioner
Upon consideration of the foregoing motion it is ordered that
the same be and it is hereby granted and Hon, Thos F. King
Chas L. Fildes Esq, and Robt E. Davis Esq., are hereby named
and appointed a committee to inquire by examination into
the qualifications of the applicant and to report their findings
in relation thereto to the the Court,
        Done and ordered in open Court this May 12 - 1897,
                          W.A. Hocker,
 Whereupon the Court adjourned till to-morrow morning
at 9 o'clock.

                         Thursday May 13 - 1897,
Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday his Honor
W.A. Hocker Judge presiding.
                    and now the Grand Jury came into open
Court and returned three true bills and reported that in three
cases no bills had been found, to-wit: -

State of Florida }
      vs         } Obtaining Money under False Pretense
J.D. Guthrie     } No bill,
                         George Smith, Foreman of
                                    Grand Jury
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 17 February 2015
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