Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 473
                      Spring Term AD 1897
                      Thursday May 13/1897,
State of Florida }
       vs        } Breaking and Entering with in-
Sam & Abe Cannon } tent to commit an assault.
                   No Bill.
                          George Smith, Foreman
                             Grand Jury
State of Florida }
     vs          } Assault with intent to murder,
J.F. Musselwhite } No Bill
                           George Smith, Foreman
                             Grand Jury
State of Florida }
      vs         } Murder,
James Anderson   } A True Bill
State Witnesses,            George Smith, Foreman
E. Snell, Mamie Thompson,             Grand Jury

State of Florida }
       vs        } Accessory after the Fact to
Edward Flowers,  }            Murder,
                A True Bill
State Witnesses                            George Smith, Foreman
Wiley Booth, W. Dent, J.W. Williams,                Grand Jury
State of Florida }
      vs         } Assault with Intent to Murder,
Thomas Douglas   } A True Bill,
                                    George Smith, Foreman
State Witnesses                          of Grand Jury
Hardy Perry William Campbell,
Fletcher Williams

In Re Application of
George M. Lynch for License
to practice law
           To the Hon W.A. Hocker, Judge of said Court,
Chas L. Fildes Esq and Robt E. Davis Esq, on behalf of the
committee duly appointed by order of Court on May 12th AD 1897,
to inquire into the qualifications of George M. Lynch
for admission to the Bar, would respectfully report unto
your Honor that they have faithfully and conscientiously
discharged said duty by thorough examination of said appli-
cant upon the several branches of the law and beg leave
to report that they find him duly qualified for entrance
into the legal profession and respectfully recommend 
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 17 February 2015
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