Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 474
                 Spring Term AD 1897,
                   Thursday May 13-1897,
that he be granted a License to practice law,
                                  Chas L. Fildes,
                                  Robt E. Davis
Gainesville Florida, May 13/1897,            Of the Committee

IN Re Application of George M. Lynch, }
for license to practice Law,          }
State of Florida  }
County of Alachua } Before the subscriber personally appeared
Chas L. Fildes and Robt E. Davis who being severally duly sworn
say: That they will conscientiously and faithfully, by ex-
amination of the above named applicant for license to prac-
tice law, inquire into his qualifications for admission to
the bar, in pursuance of an order of the Judge of said
Court made herein on May 12-1897,
Sworn to and subscribed before me }
this 12th day of May AD 1897,     } Chas L. Fildes
   Walter A. Sigsbee              } Robt E. Davis,
(seal) Notary Public              }
 State of Florida at Large        }

In Re Application of Geo M. Lynch, }
for license to Practice Law        } 
                                       And now this cause
coming onto be further heard upon report of Chas L. Fildes
Esq., and Robt E. Davis Esq., members of the committee duly ap-
pointed by the court on the 12th day of May AD 1897, to make
inquiry by examination as to the qualifications of the said
George M. Lynch to be admitted to the practice of law, and
the said Committee having reported that they had faithfully dis-
charged said duty by a thorough examination of said appli-
cant upon the several branches of the law, and that they
found him qualified for entrance into the legal profess-
ion and having recommended that he be granted a license
to practice law,
Whereupon it is ordered by the Court that a license be and
the same is hereby granted to Geo M. Lynch to practice
law, and the Clerk directed to administer to him that stat-
utory oath required.
   Whereupon the said Geo M. Lynch being in open
court was sworn by the clerk to support the Constitu-
tion of the State of Florida, and of the United States
and honestly to demean himself in his profession and
to exercise the duties thereof to the best of his skill and
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 18 February 2015
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