Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 477
                    Spring Term AD 1897

                  Monday May 17th 1897

  Court met pursuant to adjournment of Saturday last His
Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding
                            And now comes L.W. Fennell
Sheriff of Alachua County and returns the venire for the Petit
Jury for the second week of this term as having been executed by
summoning Rufus Putman, R.S. Bradley, J.F. Perry, J.J. Parish, J.M.
Everett, J.D. Caldwell, Alex Avera, W.H. Turner, F.J. Bates C.C.
Morrison, C.J. Mixson & H.R. Fewell in person.
  Whereupon the above named jurors were sworn on Voir dire, tested
and found to be qualified.

                                 In the Circuit Court of Alachua
                                 County Florida May 17th 1897
The State of Florida }
         vs          } Murder (2 cases)
Wm G. Shehee         }
The State of Florida      }
          vs              } Murder
James Anderson and others }
                     The above cases having been set for trial
on Wednesday 19th of May at 9 O'clock AM. and it being neces-
sary to draw and summon a Special Venire for the trial of those
cases - the Judge of the Court, in the presence of the Clerk and Sheriff
in open Court drew from the box containing the names of persons
selected for the year 1897, the following named persons as special Jurors
1 T.E. Getzen      11 C.W. McDonald  21 W.M. Bradford   31 H.M. Owens
2 T.A. Doke        12 J.C. Newberry  22 Newton Rogers   32 W.L. Benden
3 O. Thigpen       13 E.S. Thomas    23 W.H. White      33 J.J. Barr
4 C.W. Adkins      14 T.J. Knight    24 J.W. Harris     34 T.C. Holden
5 J.H. Osteen      15 G.L. Bryant    25 J.T. Neal       35 J.L. Strickland
6 W.D. Seigler     16 G.W. Roberts   26 C.W. Little     36 J.R. Shaw
7 A.L. McRae       17 W.C. Lindsey   27 R.M. Davis      37 C.C. Neal
8 J.M. Holt        18 P.A. Varnes    28 R.P. Lumpkin    38 J.W. Peacock Jr
9 W.C. Kincaid     19 B.J. Earle     29 C.V. McQueen    39 E.L. Johnson
10 J.D. Williams   20 Jno R. Pope    30 J.P. Crumpacker 40 J.A. Ward
The Clerk will issue a Venire for the foregoing persons returnable
at 9 O'clock A.M. May 19th 1897
                               W.A. Hocker
Whereupon the Clerk issued the venire as by the Court ordered

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 18 February 2015
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