Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 484
                     Spring Term AD 1897
                     Tuesday May 18 - 1897,
(Seal)                            H.C. Denton, Clerk Circuit Court,
        Whereupon Court Adjourned until to-morrow morning at
9 o'clock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                      Wednesday May 19-1897,
The Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday, His Honor
W.A. Hocker Judge, Presiding,
            And now comes L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County
and returns the special Venire, for the forty Jurors summoned to serve
in the cases of the State of Florida vs William G. Shehee, and
the state of Florida vs James Anderson, etal as having been exe-
cuted, by summoning the following named persons to-wit:-
T.E. Getzen, T.A. Doke, O.Thigpin, C.W. Adkins, J.H. Osteen
W.D. Seigler, J.D. McRae, J.M. Satt**, W.C. Kincaid, J.B. Williams,
C.W. McDonald, J.C. Newberry, E.D. Thomas, T.J. Knight,
G.L. Bryant, G.W. Roberts, W.P. Lindsey, P.A. Varnes, B.J. Earle
W.M. Bradford, W.K. White, J.W. Harris, J.T. Neal, R.M. Davis
R.P. Lumpkin, C.V. McQueen, H.M. Owens, W.L. Breeden,
J.J. Barr, T.C. Holden, J.l. Strickland, J.P. Thomas, C.C. Neal,
J.W. Peacock Jr., E.L. Johnson, J.A. Ward, in person,~~~~~~~~~~~
 John R. Pope, Newton Rogers, C.W. Little, J.P. Crumpacker,
Not to be found in the County,
             Whereupon for good and sufficient cause
shown J.T. Neal and J.C. Newberry were excused from fur-
ther attendance upon the court,
And now the list of special jurors summoned in the
causes aforesaid being called, there were present and answering
the following named persons, to-wit:-
  T.E. Getzen, T.A. Doke, O.Thigpin, C.W. Adkins, J.H.
Osteen, W.D. Seigler, J.D. McRae, J.M. Satt**, W.C. Kincaid,
J.D. Williams, C.W. McDonald, E.D. Thomas, T.J. Knight, G.L.
Bryant, G.W. Roberts, W.C. Lindsey, P.A. Varnes, B.J. Earle,
W.M. Bradford, W.K. White, J.W. Harris, R.M. Davis, R.P.
Lumpkin, C.V. McQueen, H.A. Owens, W.L. Breeden, J.J. Barr,
T.C. Holden, J.L. Strickland, J.R. Shaw, C.C. Neal, J.W. Peacock
Jr, E.L. Johnson, J.A. Ward, who were duly sworn on their
voir dire tested and found to be qualified.
Whereupon at the Request of Syd L. Carter State Attorney M.
M. Allred was appointed by the Court assistant state attorney
and was accordingly sworn in by the Clerk of this Court,

State of Florida }
      vs         } Murder
W.G. Shehee      }
                And now comes the defendant in the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 19 February 2015
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