Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 488
         Spring Term A D 1897
       Thursday May 20th 1897
as well as by his attorney R.W. Davis, B.A. Thrasher and Evans
Haile Esquire, and also the jury who had heard a part of
the evidence in this cause on yesterday to-wit:
 Rufus Putman, R.S. Bradly, C.C. Morrison, H.R. Fewell, J.H.
Osteen, A.L. WcRae, E.D. Thomas, G.W. Roberts, P.A. Varnes,
W.H. White, R.M. Davis and W.L. Bruden, being like wise in
open court,
    Whereupon the further hearing of this cause was contin-
ued until to-morrow morning.

Whereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at
Nine O'Clock

      --- Friday May 21st 1897--- 
The Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday His
Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding.

The State of Florida}  Syd L. Carter, N.M. Allred
          vs        }  Murder of J.S. Taylor
William G. Shehee   }  R.W. Davis, B.A. Thrasher & Evans Haile
                   And now on this day this cause came on
to be further heard Syd L. Carter State Attorney and N.M. Allred
Assistant State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the au-
thority of the State of Florida and the prisoner William G.
Shehee being in open Court in his proper person as well as by
his Attorneys R.W. Davis, B.A. Thrasher & Evans Haile Esqre.
And also the Jury who had heard a part of the evidence in
this cause, to wit: Rufus Putnam, R.S. Bradley C.C. Morrison
H.R. Fewell, J.H. Osteen, A.L. McRae, E.D. Thomas, G.W.
Roberts, P.A. Varnes, W.H. White R.M. Davis & W.L. Bruden
being likewise in open Court the hearing of this cause was resumed
And the Jury aforesaid after hearing the balance of the evidence
and a part of the argument of Counsel the further hearing of this
cause was continued until tomorrow morning at half past
Eight O'Clock
           Whereupon Court adjourned until tomorrow
Morning at half past Eight O'clock.

  --- Saturday May the 22nd 1897 ---

The Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday
His Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding.
Transcribed by Kaley Behl 15 April 2011
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