Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 491
                  Spring Term AD 1897,
                 Tuesday May 25th 1897,
State of Florida }
       vs        } Murder,
Jas Anderson     } and now this cause is continued
                 on application of Defendants,
State of Florida }
       vs        } Accessory after the fact to
Edward Flowers   }            Murder
                and now this cause is continued on
application of Defendant,

The State of Florida } Syd L. Carter, M.M. Allred,
          vs         } Murder of W.S. Hilliard,
William G. Shehee    } R.W. Davis, B.H. Thrasher, Evans Haile,
                     And now this cause coming on to
be heard Syd L. Carter State Attorney and M.M. Allred assist-
ant State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the au-
thority of the state of Florida, and the prisoner Wm G. Shehee
being  now in open court in his proper person, as well as by
his attorneys, R.W. Davis, B.H. Thrasher, and Evans Haile Esquire,
And the said William G. Shehee who had been arraigned
herein to-wit: On the 16th day of December AD 1897, and plead
ed not guilty as charged in the indictment against him,
comes now in open court and by permission of the Court,
withdraws his plea of not guilty as aforesaid and files and
enters his special plea in bar, to which plea, the state
by Syd L. Carter state Attorney, demurred, and said that the
same was insufficient in law to avail the prisoner
herein, in which demurrer the prisoner by his counsel
joined, and thereupon, upon argument thereof before the
court, it was considered, and ordered by the Court, that
the said demurrer be sustained, to which ruling of the
Court the prisoner by his attorneys then and there ex-
  And now the prisoner by his attorneys moved the court,
& which motion was supported by an affidavit, for a
continuance in this cause, on the ground of the ab-
sence of a material witness, And now said motion hav-
ing been submitted to the Court and argument had thereon
it was considered and ordered by the Court, that said
motion be denied, to which ruling of the Court, the prison-
er by his attorneys then and there excepted,
  And now the prisoner William G. Shehee being brought
to the bar herein, under the Custody of L.W. Fennell, Sher-
iff of Alachua County, to which sheriff he is likewise
committed, was demanded how he would acquit him-
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 20 February 2015
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