Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 492
                     Spring Term AD 1897,
                   Tuesday May 25th 1897,
self of the charge against him, saith that he is not guilty,
of the charged as alleged in the indictment against him,
and for good and evil, puts himself upon God and the
Country for trial,
  Whereupon a jury was called and there came; R.M.
Jennings, Frank Boals, J.C. Baxley, D.A. Miller, J.H. Hines and
now the regular panel of the petit jury for the present week
of this term being exhausted by reason of challenge and other-
wise, thereupon came the following named persons who were
taken from the Special Venire of jurors drawn ad sum-
moned for the trial of this cause, to-wit: H.B. Hague,
M.L. McComb, T.J. Hogan, J.J. Colson, R.L. Polk,
C.W. Bauknight, W.B. Riviere, and now the panel of the
jury being complete there came as jurors the following named
persons; R.M. Jennings, Frank Boals, J.C. Baxley, D.A. Miller,
J.H. Hines, H.B. Hague, M.L. McComb, T.J. Hogan, J.J. Colson,
R.L. Polk, C.W. Bauknight and W.R. Riviere, who were duly
empanelled and sworn to well and truly try and true deliv-
erance make between the state of Florida and the prisoner
at the bar, whom you shall have in charge, according to the
evidence, and the jury aforesaid after hearing a part of 
the evidence, the further hearing of this cause was continued
until tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock,

                             Fifth Judicial Circuit of Flor-
                             ida, Circuit Court of Alachua County,
J.T. Liston, Plaintiff, }
        vs              }
P.J. Lynch, Defendant   }
                          on this day came the plaintiff
by his attorney, and moved the court for final judgment against
the defendant, and the plaintiff having dismissed as to all of the
counts in his declaration except the first count thereof, and it ap-
pearing to the court that the defendant has failed to plead, ans-
wer or demurr to the said count of the plaintiff's declaration, in accord-
ance with the order of the court heretofore made in this cause,
it is therefore, considered by the court, that the said plaintiff
do have judgment, nil dicit, against the said defendant, and
the plaintiff having produced and filed in court the orig-
inal cause of action sued upon, to-wit: a promissory
note for the sum of $1,190, executed by the plaintiff to the
defendant, and the court having assessed the amount
which the plaintiff is entitled to recover from the defendant,
for principal and interest, at the sum of $1467 60/100 it is
therefore, considered by the court that the said plaintiff

[ Written in left margin: ]

see satisfaction of this Judgment on page 43 of
Judgment satisfaction book No 1. Decr 15th 1897
                      H.C. Denton Clerk
                   per S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 20 February 2015
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