Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 494
of fifty dollars ($50.00) for solicitor's fees in said cause
 It is therefore, upon consideration thereof, considered
ordered, adjudged and decreed, by the court, as follows to-
  That the defendants do pay to the Complainant within
five days from this date, the sum of One hundred and forty
four dollars and eighty seven cents, ($144.87) with lawful
interest to be computed thereon from date until paid,
and also the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) hereby allowed for
solicitor's fees in said cause to complainant's solicitor
of Record in said cause, and the costs of said suit to be taxed
by the Clerk of said Court,  
  That in default of said payments being made as aforesaid
by the defendants, then, and in that case, the said mortgaged
premises mentioned in the bill of complaint in this cause
as that certain piece,parcel or tract of land situate, lying and
being in the County of Alachua, State of Florida, particularly
known and described as follows, to-wit:
   The South half of lot one (1), North half of lot Eight (8) Sec-
tion (1) one, Township eight (8) Range Nineteen (19) East, South
half of lot Seven (7) and the North half of Lot (8), Section
six (6) Township eight (8), Range Twenty (20) East, North
half of lot one (1) in Section (1) one, Township eight (8), Range
nineteen (19), East; North half of lot seven (7) section six
(6), Township eight (8) Range Twenty (20) East and
north half of lot four (4), and the North half of lot five (5)
section eighteen (18) Township eight (8), Range twenty (20)
East, together with all and singular the tenements, heredita-
ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise
appertaining, Also the following described personal property
viz; two bay mares, one two and one half years old, named Millie,
the other five years old, named Vick, or so much of said premises
and personal property as may be sufficient to realize the
amount so due the complainant, principal and interest,
costs of suit and solicitor's fees and commissions and charges
of the Special Master on the sale herein mentioned, be
sold at public auction by and under the direction
of the Special Master to be named by this court, after
due and legal notice of the time and place of such sale,
as by statute required, and that said Special master ex-
ecute and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers at
such sale a good and sufficient deed or deeds for so much
or such part of said mortgaged premises, or bill or bills
of sales for so much of said mortgaged personal property
as shall be sold to any such purchaser or purchasers
at such sale a good and sufficient deed or deeds for so much
or such part of said mortgaged personal property as shall
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 20 February 2015
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