Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 495
be sold to any such purchaser or purchasers at such sale
That said Special Master, out the proceeds of such sale, shall
retain his fees, disbursements and commissions on said sale,
that he pay the officers of this court their costs in this
suit, and that out of the remainder of said proceeds he
pay to the complainant's solicitor of Record his fees
herein, and to complainant or his solicitor of record for
him, the sum of one hundred and forty-four dollars and
eighty seven cents, ($144.87) together with the legal in-
terest thereon from the date of this decree to the day of sale
or, if such remainder, after paying costs, expenses of sale and sol-
icitor's fee, be insufficient to pay the whole of said amount
and interest as aforesaid, then that he apply said remainder to
the extent to which it may reach in satisfaction of said
amount and interest, and that said Special Master take
receipts from the respective parties to whom he may have
made payments as aforesaid, and file the same, together
with his report of the sale, in this court, and that, in case
the said premises and personal property shall sell for more
than sufficient to pay the principal and interest, costs
and solicitor's fee as aforesaid, then that said Special
Master, after making payments as aforesaid, turn the said surplus
over to Defendants, taking their receipt therefor,
 It is further ordered, adjudged and decreed, that the defend-
ants, and all persons claiming by, through or under them
be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all equity of
redemption, and that the said defendant, Clarissa Mal-
phurs, be forever barred and foreclosed of and from all dower
or right of dower and separate estate in and to said mort-
gaged premises or any part thereof,
  That the said Special Master report his proceedings in
the premises to the Court as soon after said sale as practica-
 It is further ordered that E.E. Voyle Esquire a prac-
ticing attorney at law, be, and he is hereby appointed Spec-
ial Master in Chancery, to make the said sale of the said mort-
gaged premises and personal property and to carry out the
provisions of this decree,
 Done and ordered at Chambers in Gainesville, Florida,
on this 26th day of May, AD 1897,
                             W.A. Hocker, Judge,
Filed May 26th 1897 Recorded May 26th 1897 H.C. Denton
State of Florida  } Syd L. Carter, M.M. Allred,
      vs          } Murder of W.S. Hilliard
William G. Shehee } R.W. Davis, B.A. Thrasher, Evans Haile
             and now this cause came on to be further
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 20 February 2015
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