Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 497
                      Spring Term AD 1897
                    Thursday May 27/1897
State of Florida          }
         vs               } Breaking and Entering with
Dan Turner, Chas Williams } Intent to commit a Felony.
and George Doolin         }

                       And now on this day this cause came
on to be heard, Syd L. Carter State Attorney and M.M. All-
red Assistant State Attorney prosecuting in the name
and by the authority of the state of Florida, and the prisoners
Dan Turner, Chas Williams and Geo Doolin, being in open
court in their proper persons, as also their attorney W.S.
Broome, Esq., were arraigned and upon their arraign-
ment say they are not guilty, of the charge as alleged in the
indictment against them, and for good and evil put themselves
upon God and the Country for trial, whereupon a jury
was called, and there came, R.M. Jennings, Frank Boals, J.C.
Baxley, D.A. Miller, J.H. Hines and W.D. Futch, who were
duly empanelled and sworn to well and truly try the
issue between the state of Florida and the defendants ac-
cording to the evidence, and the Jury aforesaid after hearing
the evidence, the argument of counsel and charge of the
Court, retired to consider of their verdict, and after due con-
sideration thereof, they returned into open court, and ren-
dered the following verdict to-wit:- "We the Jury find
the defendants guilty,
                         R.M. Jennings, Foreman,

State of Florida           }
     vs                    } Sentence,
Dan Turner, Chas Williams, } 
and George Doolin          }
                        And now the prisoners, Dan Turner
Charles Williams and George Doolin, being in open court
for sentence were demanded if they had anything to
say why the sentence of the law should not be passed
upon them, saith nothing,
 Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoners in man-
ner and form as follows, - The sentence of the law
is that you, Dan Turner, and you, George Doolin, be
imprisoned by confinement in the state prison at hard
labor each for the term of three years, and the sentence
of the law is that you Chas Williams be imprisoned by
confinement in the state prison at hard labor for one

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 20 February 2015
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