Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 498
                     Spring Term A.D. 1897
                    Thursday May 27/1897,

The State of Florida   }
     vs                }     Murder of Thomas Haile
Nias Drew & Floyd Evans}
                          And now this cause being called
for trial and it appearing to the Court that it was necessary to
have a Stenographer, to take the testimony in the above stated
cause, whereupon at the request of counsel for state and defend-
ant, C.M. Lynch was appointed by the Court as such Stenogra-
pher, and was accordingly sworn in as such by the Clerk
of this court,

State of Florida       }   Syd L. Carter, M.M. Allred
        vs             }         Murder of Thomas Haile
Nias Drew & Floyd Evans}   J.H. Simmons & W.S. Broome
                 And now this cause coming on to be
heard Syd L. Carter State attorney and M.M. Allred Assistant
State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the authority
of the State of Florida, and the prisoners Nias Drew and Floyd
Evans being now in open court in their proper persons, as
well as by their attorneys J.H. Simmons & W.S. Broome Esquires
Whereupon on motion of Syd L. Carter State Attorney a sever-
ance was granted as to Nias Drew and now the prisoner
Nias Drew, being brought to the bar herein under the custo-
dy of L.W. Fennell Sheriff of Alachua County Florida, to which
sheriff he is likewise committed was forthwith demanded
how he would acquit himself of the charge against him,
saith that he is not guilty of the charge as alleged in the
indictment against him, and for good and evil he puts
himself upon God and the Country or trial.
Whereupon a Jury was called, and there came R.E.
Johnson, R.M. Jennings J.C. Baxley D.H. Miller, and now
the regular panel of the Petit Jury for this the third
week of this term being exhausted by reason of challenge
and otherwise, thereupon the Court ordered the Sheriff
to summon Talesmen from the bystanders or the County
at Large to complete the panel of the Jury in this cause,
Thereupon came E.C. Wimberly, L.L. Hill, P.B. Turpin, W.D.
Williams, T.K. Sewall, G.H. Browne, P.C. Colson, and Albert
Endel, who were accepted, and now the panel of the Jury
being complete there came as Jurors in this cause, R.E.
Johnson  R.M. Jennings, J.C. Baxley, D.A. Miller, E.C. Wim-
berly, L.L. Hill, P.B. Turpin, W.D. Williams, T.W. Sew-
all G.H. Browne P.C. Colson, and Albert Endel, who
were duly empannelled but not sworn, Whereupon
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 April 2011
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