Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 499
                        Spring Term  A.D. 1897
                        Thursday May 27th 1897
the further hearing of this cause was continued until
tomorrow morning at Nine o'clock

Whereupon Court adjourned until to-morrow morning at
Nine O'Clock
           -- Friday May 28th 1897 ----

The Court met pursuant to adjournment of yesterday
His Honor W.A. Hocker Judge presiding,

The State of Florida   }   Syd L. Carter  B.A. Thrasher
          vs           }   Murder of Thomas Haile
Nias Drew              }   J.A. Ammons, W.S. Broome
                     And now this cause coming on to be further
heard Syd L. Carter State Attorney, prosecuting in the
name and by the authority of the State of Florida and the
prisoner Nias Drew who had been arraigned herein on the 27th
day of May 1897 and pleaded not guilty being now in open
Court in his proper person as well as by his Attorney J.A.
Ammons and W.S. Broome as also the Jury who had been
empaneled and accepted herein on yesterday but not sworn, to wit:
R.E. Johnson, R.M. Jennings, J.C. Baxley, D.A. Miller, E.C.
Wimberly, L.L. Hill, P.B. Turpin, W.D. Williams, T.N. Sewell
G.H. Browne, P.C. Colson and Albert Endel and now the jury afore
said being duly sworn to well and truly try and true deliverance
make between the State of Florida and the prisoner at the bar
whom you shall have in charge according to the evidence, the
hearing of this cause was resumed, And the jury aforesaid
after hearing the evidence, the argument of Counsel and the
charge of the Court retired to Consider of their verdict and
afterwards on the same day they returned into open Court and
rendered the following verdict, to wit:
  We the Jury find the defendant Nias Drew guilty of Man
Slaughter so say we all
May 28th 1897   L.L. Hill

State of Florida   }
         vs        }  Breaking and entering
Harry Debose       }
              And now this cause is continued on application
of defendant

Whereupon the Court adjourned until tomorrow morning
at Nine O'clock
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 15 April 2011
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