Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 501
                      Spring Term AD 1897
                  Saturday May 29th 1897
Whereupon it is considered ordered and adjudged by 
the Court that all pleas demurrers motions causes and actions
herein pending and not otherwise disposed off be continued
          Whereupon the Court adjourned sine die

                 W.A. Hocker
May 29th 1897 -      Judge

                     In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit
                     in and for Alachua County     In Chancery
D.O. Fulton and W.L.Fulton Partners trading in the City }
of Tampa in Hillsborough County Florida under the       }
firm name of Fulton Brothers                            } Bill To Foreclose Mortgage
                   vs                                   }
W.H.H. Folk and Virginia Folk his wife                  } Decree of Foreclosure
          This cause coming on to be heard and it appearing to the court that
a Decree Pro confesso has been duly entered up herein against the defendants and
each of them, for want of plea answer or demurrer to complainants bill of 
complaint and the complainants having filed in evidence the original Mortgage
sued upon together together with certificates of tax sales and affidavit of
proof of attorney's fees and affidavit showing payment of the amounts
of said tax certificates and the court being advised in the premises
whereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed
as follows to wit:
1st That Complainants are entitled to the foreclosure of their mortgage
and that defendants are indebted to complainants in the sum of one
hundred and two and 40/100 ($102.40) dollars principal and interest upon
said Mortgage and for said certificates and the further sum of Thirty
five ($35.00) dollars fees allowed complainants solicitor for the foreclosure of
mortgage herein and that the said defendants do pay the said sums
together with the costs of said suit to be taxed up by the Clerk of said
court within ten (10) days from date or in default thereof that the said Mortgaged
property to wit: All the following piece parcel or tract of land situated lying
and being in the County of Alachua State of Florida and described as follows
to wit Beginning at the North East corner of section twenty nine 29 Township
Nine (9) south of Range twenty (20) East running thence West along the boundary
line of said section to the east line of the right of way of the Florida
southern Railway: Thence in a south East direction along the line
of said right of way to a point at which the same is crossed by the run of
Hogtown Creek Thence due east to the East boundary line of said section
thence North along section line to the point of beginning, together with all
and singular the rights tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the same
belonging or in anywise appertaining be sold by J.A. Ammons Esqr as Special Master
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 20 February 2015
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