Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Lillian Sophie Yethyr Shooter be dissolved and the same is hereby dissolved and the same is
hereby dissolved accordingly and the said parties are and each of them is free of all the obligation
thereof. It is further ordered and decreed that the Complainant do pay the costs and charges of
this suit and that Execution be issued therefor. Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala
Florida on this 16th day of June AD 1897
                                                   W.A. Hocker
 Filed June 18th 1897
       Recorded June 18th 1897
                   H.C. Denton Clerk
                           per S.H. Wienges DC
                              In the Circuit Court of Florida Fifth Judicial Circuit In and for
                                            Alachua County = In Chancery
Charles F. Claflin trading in Boston Massachusetts under the      }
firm name of Cleflin & Thayer; Henry Meinhard Isaac Meinhard      }
Samuel Meinhard and Elias A. Weil partners trading in Savannah    }
Georgia under the firm name of Meinhard Brothers & Company        }
S. Herman and L. Kayton partners trading in Savannah              }
Georgia under the firm name of Herman & Kayton; The Bradley       }
Fertilizer Company a corporation under the State of Massachusetts }
and H.J. Reiser and Max Stern partners trading in Savannah        }
Georgia under the firm name of Reiser & Stern Complainants        }
                        vs                                        } Creditors Bill
George H. Ambrose as surviving partner of the late firm           }
of Raulerson & Ambrose Samuel C. Tucker as Sheriff & Ex Officio   }
administrator of and for the estate of Hardee Raulerson           }
deceased Sarah E. Raulerson Walter G. Robinson and Alonzo         } Final Decree
M. Cushman as assignee of Raulerson & Ambrose Defendants          }
                                     This cause coming on to be further heard and the court
being advised in the premises thereupon, upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and
decreed as follows to wit:
First: That the following described property be and is herein and hereby set apart
as the homestead of Hardee Raulerson and as exempt from the Judgment liens of the
complainants to wit: That part of Block one (1) of Branning's second Addition to
Waldo part of the southeast quarter of south west quarter of section fourteen (14) Township
Eight (8) south Range Twenty one (21) East. Beginning at a stake in south line of
Block one (1) 189 feet west of South East corner of lot one (1) thence south 87 degrees
thirty minutes west 261 feet to a stake, thence North 2 degrees 30 minutes west 83 1/2
feet to a stake, thence North 87 degrees 30 minutes East 261 feet to a stake then south
2 degrees thirty minutes, East 83 1/2 feet to the beginning containing by estimation one half
Second: That the deed made by Annie E. and R.F. Tillis to Sarah E. Raulerson on the 26th day
of July 1884, conveying to the said Sarah E. Raulerson those certain lots of land
situated lying and being in Alachua Florida and described as follows, to wit:
Lot four (4) in lot three (3) in section thirty (30) Township Eight (8) south Range twenty two
(22) running along the waters of Lake Alto East 149 feet five inches thence south
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 21 February 2015
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