Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 505
1150 feet thence west 149 feet five inches; thence North 1050 feet to the place of beginning according
to a plan of survey made by R.J. Robinson made February 20th 1884 of the subdivision of said lot three
(3) section thirty (30) Township eight (8) Range Twenty two (22) was purchased with funds of and
belonging to the firm of Raulerson & Ambrose and that the title to the said property be and
it is hereby directed to be held for the use and benefit of the said Raulerson & Ambrose and is
herein and hereby declared to be subject to the lien of the judgments and executions of the said
several complaints in this suit.
Third: That the said deed made on the 30th day of May 1884 by Hardee Raulerson to Sarah E.
Raulerson defendant herein was made to hinder delay and defeat the creditors of Hardee
Raulerson and that said deed is herein and hereby cancelled and annulled and the property
therein described, to wit: That certain lot or tract of land lying and being in Alachua
County Florida described as follows to wit: Lot 11 in Block Three (3) in Branning's addition
to Waldo Florida 83 feet by 100 feet is herein and hereby declared to be subject to the liens
of the judgments and executions of the several complaints in this suit.
Fourth: That the deed made on the 24th day of September 1884 by Hardee Raulerson
and Sarah E. Raulerson his wife to P.W.W. Sparkman and a deed made by P.W.W.
Sparkman and Sarah E. Sparkman his wife to Sarah E. Raulerson on the 31st day
of March 1885 and each of them were made for the purpose of hindering, delaying and
defeating the complainants and other creditors of Hardee Raulerson and George H. Ambrose
trading under the firm name of Raulerson & Ambrose in the collection of their debts
against the said defendants, and said deeds are declared to be cancelled and annulled
and the property therein described to wit: Five acres of land in the south east quarter of
the southwest quarter section fourteen township eight south range twenty one East
Commencing at the North East corner of the south East quarter of the south West quarter
and running west one hundred and thirty yards thence south one hundred and eighty
six 2/13 yards thence East one hundred thirty yards North one hundred and eighty six
2/13 yards to the place of beginning. Also a Lot of land commencing five hundred and
fifty feet south of the north east corner of said south east quarter of south west quarter
section 14 Township 8 Range 21 East and running south Eighty three and half feet thence
west three hundred and ninety feet thence North eighty three and half feet thence
East three hundred and ninety feet to place of beginning all of the above described
land being Block one Branning's second Addition to Waldo
saving and excepting the homestead hereinbefore described in this decree and set
apart as the homestead of the said Hardee Raulerson; and the said property is
declared to be subject to the liens of the judgments and executions of the complainants
in this suit. Done and ordered at Ocala Florida on this 16th day of June 1887
                                                        W.A. Hocker
We Counsel for complainants and counsel for defendant Sarah E. Raulerson
consent to the above decree this 16 day of June AD 1897
                                      W.W. Hampton
                                       Counsel for Complainants
                                      E.C.F. Sanchez
                                       Counsel for Deft Sarah E. Raulerson
     Filed June 18th 1897  Recorded June 19th 1897
                                     H.C. Denton  Clerk
                                    per S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 21 February 2015
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