Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 506
                                   In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Florida
                                   in and for Alachua County = In Chancery
Fannie E. Johnson by her husband and  }
next friend Edward Johnson            }
              vs                      } Foreclosure
L.W. Fennell as sheriff etc etal etal } order appointing Guardian ad Litem
                         This cause coming on to be heard upon the within motion to open
decree pro confesso & for appointment of Guardian ad Litem and upon consideration it is ordered
that the prayer of said motion be granted the decree pro confesso as to the infant defendants therein
be **** same is hereby opened and cancelled that Mrs Ida M. Abbott be & she is hereby appointed
as guardian ad Litem for the said infant defendants within named and that subpoena
do issue to her as provided by law.
           At Chambers Ocala Florida 18th June 1897
                                               W.A. Hocker
Filed June 19 1897 Recorded June 19th 1897
                                  H.C. Denton Clerk
                                  per S.H. Wienges DC

                                     In Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit of Fla In and
                                     for Alachua County =   In Chancery
F.E. Nettleton                            }
      vs                                  } Mortgage Foreclosure
P.F. Wilson and Willie M. Wilson his wife }  Final Decree
      This cause came on to be further heard and it appearing to the court that
a decree pro confesso had been duly entered up against the defendants P.F. Wilson
and Willie M. Wilson his wife for want of plea answer or demurrer to complainants Bill
of complaint herein and the Special Master having filed his report as to the amount
due and the amount of solicitors fees to be allowed to the complainant and the Court
being advised in the premises thereupon upon consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged
and decreed as follows to wit: First, That the complainant do have his foreclosure
as prayed for and that the complainant F.E. Nettleton do have and recover of
and from the defendant P.F. Wilson the sum of Thirteen hundred and forty dollars
($1340.00) the amount due to complainant by the said P.F. Wilson upon the note 
and mortgage herein sued upon together with $100.00 for complainant's solicitors
fees herein and all costs that have accrued or may accrue in this suit.
Second. That the said P.F. Wilson do pay to the complainant or to his solicitor of
record the amount of this decree attorney's fees and cost within five days from
the date hereof or in default of same that Horatio Davis Esq who is hereby appointed
as Special Master to execute this decree do advertise and sell according to law all
the following described pieces or parcels of land lying and being in the County
of Alachua and State of Florida to wit: Commencing at the south east corner of
the tract of land now owned by Nathaniel Howland which was conveyed to
him by the grantors herein thence running East Fourteen chains thence south
(ten degrees East) fourteen chains thence West sixteen chains and fifty links thence
North along section line thirteen chains and forty links to place of beginning
containing twenty 45/100 acres of land more or less the same being a part of
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 21 February 2015
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