Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 507
section twenty seven in Township ten south of Range nineteen East of the
"Arredondo Grant" also all the following described piece or tract of land situate lying
and being in the County of Alachua State of Florida to wit: Beginning at a point on 
the water line of Paines Prairie which point is located Eleven chains in a North
Easterly direction from the south west corner of lot Sixteen of the Hudson and Mackey
Tract (map of said tract being on record in the Clerks office of said County) and from
said starting point running North 31 degrees West six chains and seventy five links
to a stone in road, thence North 58 degrees East along said road seven chains to
a stone thence south thirty one degrees East seven chains and twenty five links
to a stone at the waters edge of said Prairie thence along the water line in a south
westerly direction to the point of beginning containing five acres of land more or less
or a sufficient amount thereof to pay this decree: and that he do pay over to the
complainant or to his solicitor of record the proceeds arising from the sale of
said property and do make and execute to the purchaser or purchasers therefor
good and sufficient title deed or deeds thereto, Third, And that said Master do pay
over the overplus if any arising from the sale of said property to the defendant
P.F. Wilson and in the event the proceeds arising from said sale of said property
are insufficient to pa this decree fees and costs then in that event that said
Master do report said deficiency to this court for such further decree as may be
deemed proper. Fourth, That the said defendants P.F. Wilson and Willie M. Wilson his
wife and all and every person or persons now claiming or hereafter to claim by through
or under them or either of them do stand absolutely and forever debarred and
foreclosed of and from all right or equity of redemption of in or to the said
property and every part thereof.
                       Done and ordered this 19th day of June AD 1897
                                        W.A. Hocker
 Filed June 25th 1897 Recorded June 28th 1897
                                 H.C. Denton Clerk
                                 pr S.H. Wienges D.C.
             In the Circuit Court of Florida 5th Judicial Circuit
             in and for Alachua County Florida = In Chancery
Eugene Van Ness and Wm P. Van Ness,         }
as Executors of the last will and Testament }
of Julia A. Van Ness deceased and           }
G.R. Fairbanks                              }
                  vs                        } Bill to cancel contract Etc
John H. Lofton and against J.L. Strickland  }
and W.H. Barton Partners trading under the  }
firm name of Strickland and Barton and      }
against J.P. Henry                          } Final Decree
        This cause coming on to be heard and it appearing to
the Court that a Decree Pro Confesso has been duly and legally entered up
against the several Defendants herein as provided by law and the rules of
practice and complainants moving for a final decree and having filed
herein the original contract sued upon together with the notes referred  
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 22 February 2015
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