Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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to and recited therein and having filed affidavits as to the truth of the allegations
contained in complainants Bill and the court being advised in the premises thereupon
in consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged and decreed as follows to wit:
1st that the prayers of complainants be and hereby are granted and that the
contract made and entered into by and between Eugene Van Ness and Wm P. Van Ness
as executors of the last Will and Testament of Julia A. Van Ness deceased and Geo R.
Fairbanks on the one part and John H. Lofton on the other on the 24th day of
November AD 1896 for the sale and conveyance of the following described property to wit:
All those certain lots tracts pieces or parcels of land situated in the County of
Alachua and particularly known and described as follows to wit: All of fractional
section one (1) Township Nine (9) Range Nineteen (19) of the Arredondo Grant in
said county containing 301 48/100 Also Fractional section Three (3) Tp Nine (9)
Range Twenty (20) in said Grant excepting the south East quarter of the south
West quarter leaving in said fractional section 272 acres; Also fractional
section No 4 Tp nine (9) Range Twenty (20) in said Grant containing 309 20/100 acres
Also fractional section No Five (5) Tp Nine (9) Range (9) Range Twenty (20) in said Grant
containing 306 acres Also fractional section six (6)Tp Nine (9) Range Twenty
(20) in said Grant excepting one hundred (100) acres in center porters of said
fractional section being the center one third of same leaving in said fractional
section 202 acres also section No 8 of Tp Nine (9) Range Twenty (20) in
said Grant containing 640 acres. Also section No 9 in Tp Nine Range Twenty
(20) of said Grant containing 640 acres. Also North half of section No 10 Tp
Nine (9) Range Twenty (20) of said Grant excepting the SW1/4 of the NE1/4 of the
NE1/4 leaving in same 310 acres total 2980 78/100 acres has been forfeited
and that same be and is herein and hereby cancelled and annulled and the
said defendant Jno H. Lofton is herein and hereby ordered and directed to
give up and surrender duplicate contract and agreement held by him to
be cancelled, according to law, and all rights and privileges of the said
J.H. Lofton and all persons claiming by through or under him are herein and
hereby cancelled and annulled and the said J.H. Lofton and all and every
person or persons claiming the said property by through or under him
are herein and hereby decreed to be debarred and foreclosed of all right title
interest claim or demand of any character whatsoever and of all equity of
redemption of in or to the said property or any part thereof
2nd It is further ordered and decreed that the possession of said property
herein before described be and is herein and hereby awarded to said complainants
and that they are authorized to enter upon and take possession of said
property and every part thereof
3rd and the said defendants J.L. Strickland and W.H. Barton partners trading in
Waldo Florida under the firm name of Strickland and Barton and J.P. Henry of
Alachua County Florida and Each of them are herein and hereby perpetually
restrained and enjoined from ever interfering with the property herein before
described or any part thereof and from enforcing the writs of attachment or
either of them sued out against said property or any part thereof
4th It is further ordered and decreed that defendants pay the costs of this proceeding
to be taxed up by the clerk of this court and filed herewith and this proceeding
to be taxed up by the clerk of this court and filed herewith and that execution
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 22 February 2015
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