Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 509
do issue upon this decree for said costs as upon a Judgment at law as provided
by the statute and rules of practice in such cases
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida this 19th day of July AD 1897
                                         W.A. Hocker
Filed July 20th 1897 Recorded July 21st 1897
                                  H.C. Denton Clerk
                                    pr S.H. Wienges D.C.

                   Circuit Court Alachua County Florida In Chancery
V. Berry       }
    vs         } Final Decree
Daniel Chesser }
             This cause coming on for final hearing upon the Bill answer and
report of the Master and the Court having considered the same It is therefore ordered
adjudged and decreed that there is due to complainant as principal and interest on
his note and Mortgage the sum of three hundred and ninety two dollars. And
the Complainant is entitled to seventy five dollar for Attorney's Fees in foreclosing
the Mortgage - It is ordered that all persons claiming the said property since the
commencement of this suit be and they are hereby forever barred and foreclosed of
all equity of redemption in and to the same. And it is ordered adjudged and decreed
that this decree shall be a specific lien on the property covered by said Mortgage
described as follows to wit One Engine and Boiler Grist and saw carriage Belting
Cart and everything belonging to said saw Mill bought of Chapin Martin by
Joel Malphurs. Also one Gray Horse named Jim 5^years old, one Iron Gray
Horse named Pin four years old One Bay mare named Daisey three years old. And
Horatio Davis is appointed Special Master to levy upon and sell said property
aforesaid unless the said sums of money are paid within three days from this
date, and with the proceeds arising from the sale or sales he will first pay
the costs and solicitors fees next the amount due complainant on this decree
account of Mortgage if there should be a deficiency he will report the same to the
court for further orders. If there be a surplus the Master shall pay the same into
the registry of the Court to abide the further order
           Ocala Fla July 22 1896
                                     W.A. Hocker  Judge
Filed July 26th 1897 Recorded July 27th 1897
                                H.C. Denton Clerk
                              per S.H. Weinges DC

Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 27 February 2015
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