Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 511
                In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial Circuit
               of Florida in and for Alachua County
                             In Chancery
D.A. Miller et all                         }
          Complainants                     }
         vs                                } Bill for Receiver etc
The Continental National Building and Loan }
Association et al et al                    } Decree on exceptions to the Masters Report
                Defendants                 } & appointing Receiver

                            The Ninth Exception
 As to this exception I sustain it as to the Florida National and overrule it as to
the Continental National and the Fernandina.
Therefore It is considered Ordered and adjudged that the first second third and
fourth exceptions to the Master's Report be and the same are hereby sustained; that
the fifth exception to the Master's Report be and the same is hereby overruled; that
the sixth seventh eighth and ninth exceptions to the Master's Report in so far as
the Master's Report shows solvency of the Florida National Building and Loan
Association are sustained and so far as the said Report shows solvency of the
continental and the Fernandina companies the exceptions to the report are overruled
  It is further Ordered Adjudged and Decreed that the sale and transfer
of the assets of the Florida National to the Continental Building and Loan Association
made in 1895 is void and of no effect as to the Complainants in this bill and to all others
holding stock in the Florida National Building & Loan Association or who may hold
stock in the Continental National Building & Loan Association give to them
in lieu of said Florida National Building & Loan Association stock who shall
become parties to this suit within sixty days & whose stock has not been legally
forfeited. And it is further ordered that G.S. Scott be and he is hereby appointed
Receiver of this court with power to take possession of all the books records assets
and property of every nature whatsoever belonging to the Florida National Building & Loan
Association on the 29th day of October 1895, or required by it since, together with all moneys
or the equivalent paid in to the Continental National Building & Loan Association for or
on account of any stock mortgages or claims so illegally transferred, or a sufficient
amount to meet the just demands of the parties complainant in this suit or who shall
become parties within sixty days. And said Receiver is authorized and empowered to bring
all such suits as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this order & given all
usual powers of receivers in such cases And in order that the purposes of the order may not
be defeated the said Receiver is authorized to inspect all the books and records and papers of
the Continental National Building & Loan Association as often as he may deem necessary and
he is hereby ordered to report to the Court his proceedings in this behalf and abide its
further orders; provided, that this order shall not go into effect until the said G.S. Scott
shall have given and filed in this cause a bond in the sum of $5000.00 with some
responsible surety company authorized to do business in this state as Surety to be approved
by the Clerk of this Court conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties as Receiver
the court reserves the right to make such other and further orders and decrees as
may be necessary to carry out the foregoing and to do equity and Justice between the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 27 February 2015
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