Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 512
Done at Chambers Ocala Fla, this 31st July 1897
                                W.A. Hocker
Filed July 31st 1897 Recorded August 2d 1897
                            H.C. Denton Clerk
                        per S.H. Wienges DC

                      Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit Alachua
                       County Florida - In Chancery
Julia R. Furman Administrix     }  
testiunto co** a*exo of William }
A. Colclough                    } Final Decree
           vs                   }
James Edd and Henry Robinson    }
                        This cause coming on for final hearing upon
the bill Decree pro confesso and the testimony as reported by the Master
and the court having read and considered the same. It is ordered considered
and adjudged that the complainant Julia R. Furman Administratix with
the will annexed of William A. Colclough deceased do have and recover
of and from the defendants James Edd and Henry Robinson the sum of
one Thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty cents the same being
due on account of the mortgage and that she be allowed one hundred
and fifty dollars attorney fees in foreclosing the mortgage. It is
further ordered considered and adjudged that the defendants and
all persons claiming through them since the commencement of this
suit be forever barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption in
and to the mortgaged property and Horatio Davis is hereby appointed
Master to carry out this decree and unless the defendants should pay
the amount of decree within five days to sell said property described
as follows The SW4 of SW4 the NW4 of SW4 Ne4 of SW4, The NW4 of NE4
NE4 of NW 4 NE4 of SE4, NW4 of NE4, NW4 of SE4, SE4 of NE4 SE4 of NE4 NW4
of SE4 NW4 of NW4 SE4 of SW4 NE4 of NE4 all in section 16 Tp 9 R 21
also NE4 of NW4 NW4 of NW4 SE4 of NW4 NW4 of SW4 SW4 of NW4 NE4 of SW4
SE4 of SW4 and SE4 of SE4 all in section 9 Township 9 Range 21 and to
place purchaser in possession. And from the proceeds arising
from said sale he is first to pay the attorneys fee next the costs
and expenses of this suit the balance of the money in his hands shall
be paid to the Complainant on account of this decree, if there should
be a surplus arising from said sale he will pay it into the registry
of the Court and if there should be a deficiency he shall report to
the Court for further orders   Ocala Fla July 25th 1896
                                   W.A. Hocker
  Filed July 27th 1896 Recorded September 13th 1897
                              H.C. Denton Clerk
                               per S.H. Wienges DC

[ Written in left margin: ]

See amendatory decree recorded on page 523 of this Book Sept 29th 1897
                             H.C. Denton Clerk
                              per S.H. Wienges DC
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 27 February 2015
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