Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 515
3rd That after the sale of said property the said defendants Annie J.
Brown G.W. Hyde as administrator with the will annexed of and for the
Estate of James B. Brown deceased H.F. Dutton John G. Nichols H.G.
Robinson and W.G. Robinson Partners doing business in Gainesville Florida
under the firm name of H.F. Dutton & Company and James M. Graham
and all and every person or persons now claiming the said property
or any part thereof by, through or under them or that may hereafter
claim the same by through or under them or either of them or that
now claim or may hereafter claim the said property or any part
thereof by,through or under the said estate of James B. Brown deceased
do thereafter stand absolutely and forever debarred and foreclosed of and
from all right or Equity of redemption of in or to the said property and
every part thereof. Done and ordered at chambers at Ocala Florida
on this the 10th day of September AD 1897
                                 W.A. Hocker
  Filed September 11th 1897 Recorded September 13th 1897
                                H.C. Denton Clerk
                                per S.H. Wienges DC

                        In the Circuit Court of Florida Fifth
                       Judicial Circuit in and for Alachua County
                                   In Chancery
David D. Ranlett and Albert Tuttle as     }
Executors of the last will and Testament  }
of James R. Langdon deceased              }
              vs                          } Bill to Foreclose a Mortgage
G.W. Hyde as administrator of and         }
for the estate of James B. Brown deceased }
and against Ella D. Brown his wife and B. }
A. Thrasher and L.A. Thrasher             } Decree of Foreclosure
                      This cause coming on to be further heard and
it appearing to the court that the Master's report filed herein on
the 28th day of July AD 1897 has been filed for more than thirty days
and no exceptions thereupon in consideration hereof it is ordered adjudged
and decreed that the report and findings of E.E. Voyle as Special Master
in Chancery filed herein on the 28th day of July AD 1897 be and the
same is herein and hereby confirmed in every particular and that the
complainants are entitled to the foreclosure of their mortgage and
that the defendant G.W. Hyde as administrator of and for the Estate
of J.B. Brown deceased is indebted to the complainants as Executors as
aforesaid in the sum of Five Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty two
and twenty two one hundredths ($5932.22) Dollars for principal and
interest due upon the note and mortgage sued upon to the date of
said report and in the further sum of six hundred ($600.00) Dollars
which is herein and hereby allowed to complainants solicitors for the

(Written in left margin)

see assignment of this Decree in assignment Book No 1 page 62 etc Dec 20 1900
see   "        "   "     "     "    "         "   "     "  64  "  Dec 26 1900
 "    "        "   "     "     "    "         "   "     "  66      "   "   "
 "    "        "   "     "     "    "         "   "     "  71     June 17 1901
 "    "        "   "     "     "    "         "   "     "  85     Feby 11 1903
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 28 February 2015
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