Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 516
foreclosure of the mortgage sued upon herein and that the said defendant
G.W. Hyde as administrator of and for the estate of J.B. Brown deceased do
pay the said sums of money together with the interest thereon since the 28th
day of July AD 1897 at Eight per cent per annum and the costs of this proceeding
to be taxed up by the Clerk of this Court within ten days from date hereof
2nd. That in default of payment by the said G.W. Hyde as administrator
of and for the estate of J.B. Brown deceased of the amount of this decree fees
and costs within the time above stated that E.E. Voyle Esq who is herein
and hereby appointed as a Special Master in Chancery to execute this
decree do advertise and sell at the time and place an in the manner
prescribed by law the said mortgaged property to wit: All that certain lot
tract piece or parcel of land situated lying and being in the City of
Gainesville in the county of Alachua and State of Florida and
particularly known and described as follows to wit: The West on half of Block
Three (3) Range Five (5) of the original survey of the Town of Gainesville
(saving and excepting that part or portion thereof fronting on West Main
Street seventy two (72) feet by a depth of one hundred and Twenty two (122) feet
on Mechanic Street it being the south west corner of said Block and
bounded on the West by West Main street and on the South by Mechanic
Street which is claimed by B.A. Thrasher) together with all and singular
the rights tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the same
belonging or in anywise appertaining to satisfy and pay the said
decree fees and costs and that he do make proper deed or deeds to the
purchaser or purchasers in possession thereof and that he do pay the 
proceeds arising from the sale of the said property to the said
complainants or to their solicitors of record sufficient to satisfy said
decree and the over plus if any as the court may direct.
3rd That in the event the proceeds arising from the sale of the
said property shall be insufficient to pay the full amount
said decree fees and costs then in that case that the said
Master do report such deficiency to the court for such further
order or decree herein as may be deemed proper; that after the sale
of said mortgaged property the said G.W. Hyde as administrator of
and for the estate of J.B. Brown deceased and Ella D. Brown and
B.A. Thrasher and L.M. Thrasher and all and every person or persons
now claiming the said property or any part thereof or that may
hereafter claim the same by through or under the estate of
James B. Brown deceased do thereafter stand absolutely and
forever debarred and foreclosed of and from all right or equity of 
redemption of, in or to the said property or any part thereof. This
Decree being made without prejudice to the right of complainants to
foreclose the said mortgage as to the property herein before excepted
which is claimed by the said B.A. Thrasher, the foreclosure
thereof being superseded by reason of an appeal to the supreme
court from the interlocutory orders or decrees. Done and ordered at
Chambers at Ocala Florida on this 10th day of September AD 1897
                                 W.A. Hocker
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 28 February 2015
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