Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 518
thence North twenty five (25) feet then West Ninety two (92) feet to the point of
beginning and containing Two Thousand Three Hundred (2300) square feet together with
all and singular the rights tenements hereditaments and appurtenances to the same
belonging or in any wise appertaining. And the said Master J.M. Rivers do make execute
and deliver to the said purchaser or purchasers of and for the said property good
and sufficient title deed or deeds thereto and upon the payment by said
purchaser or purchasers to him of the purchase money thereof: do put the purchaser
or purchasers in possession of the said property and do pay the proceeds arising
from the sale of said property after retaining the costs of these proceedings to the said
complainant or to his solicitors of record, and the over plus if any as the
court may direct.
2nd In the event that the proceeds arising from the sale of said property
shall be insufficient to pay the full amount of this decree fees and costs then
in that case that the said Master J.M. Rivers do make report to this court of
such deficiency, for such further order and decree herein as may be deemed
proper. 3rd That after the sale of said property the said defendants T.H.
Richardson and S.Emma Richardson his wife, and each of them, and all and every
person or persons now claiming or that may hereafter claim said property by
through or under them or either of them, do thereafter stand absolutely and
forever debarred and foreclosed of and from all right or Equity of redemption
of in or to the said property and every part and parcel thereof
Done and ordered at Chambers at Ocala Florida on this the 10th Sept day
of September AD 1897
                                  W.A. Hocker 
Filed September 16th 1897 Recorded September 16th 1897
                                   H.C. Denton Clerk
                                per S.H. Wienges DC

                                    In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit of
                                   Florida in & for Alachua County In Chancery
C.A. Thomas    }
    vs         } Divorce
Mary E. Thomas } Final Decree
               This cause coming on to be heard on this day upon
application of complainants counsel for a final Decree therein wherein
C.A. Thomas is complainant & Mary E. Thomas is defendant and the
court being satisfied from the testimony in said cause that the allegations
of complainants Bill have been fully maintained & proven & the court being
advised of its decision therein. It is hereby considered adjudged & decreed by the
court that the contract of marriage heretofore entered into by & between C.A.
Thomas the complainant & Mary E. Thomas defendant be and the same is hereby
annulled cancelled set aside declared & adjudged to be wholly null & void
and of no further force or effect & the Complainant C.A. Thomas & the defendant
Mary E. Thomas herein are decreed to be forever divorced a Vinculo matrimonii
with each other. It is further considered ordered adjudged and decreed by the
court that the complainant herein C.A. Thomas do have the care custody control
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 28 February 2015
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