Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 521
                           In the Circuit Court 5th Judicial Circuit
                           of Fla In and for Alachua County
To the Hon W.A. Hocker Judge of said Court
              Your petitioner George Graham of said County
and state respectfully represents to your honor that his Mother
Lydia Graham is a resident of said county of Alachua in said
Circuit and state and has personal property within said state held
managed and controlled by your petitioner as trustee, that the said
Lydia was on the 23d day of June AD 1896 Judicially declared by the
Hon H.G. Mason as county Judge of said Alachua County upon proper
proceedings before him a person of unsound mind, as will appear from
a certified copy of the order made by him so declaring, filed with
this petition - and she the said Lydia, is now confined at the
state asylum for lunatics at Chattahoochee Florida. That the said
Lydia has about Eleven hundred dollars due her from the sale of
a tract of land in Loudoun County Virginia and which money
is held by the commissioner of the Circuit Court of said Loudoun County
and will not be paid over till there is some one legally qualified
in this State to receive and receipt for the same; That your
petitioner is the eldest son of the said Lydia and as Trustee for her
is now managing and controlling the balance of her property.
Your petitioner therefore prays that he be appointed the guardian
of the property of the said Lydia in order that he may collect take
care of and invest the said sum of money - This money being
all the property outside of the said trust fund which the
said Lydia owns
                                         Geo Graham
Horatio Davis
   Atty for petitioner

State of Florida }
Alachua County   } This day personally appeared before me George
Graham and being by me duly sworn says that the facts set forth
in his foregoing petition are true
                                    Geo Graham
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of September AD 1897
                        Wm R. McKinstry
     (seal)                Notary Public
                       State of Fla at Large
Upon reading and considering the foregoing petition and it appearing
from evidence before me that Mrs Lydia Graham is a person of unsound
mind residing in this Judicial Circuit and having property within
this state, and from such unsound mind is unable to manage her
property, and it further appearing to me that her son the said
George Graham is a suitable and fit person for the trust,
it is adjudged ordered and decreed that the said George
Graham be and he is hereby appointed the guardian of the property
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 28 February 2015
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