Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 522
of the said Lydia Graham and authorized to take charge of and
manage the same and as such guardian to receive and receipt
for any moneys due the said Lydia. But this appointment is not to
be Effectual until the said Guardian shall have given bond with two
good and sufficient sureties payable to the Governor of the State of Florida
in the sum of Two Thousand ($2000 00/100) dollars conditioned for the faithful
performance of his trust. This order is to be entered in the minutes of
the Circuit Court of Alachua County
at chambers Ocala Fla this 21st September
                               W.A. Hocker
                             Judge 5th Judicial Circuit of Florida
Filed September 24th 1897 Recorded September 24th 1897
                              H.C. Denton Clerk
                                per S.H. Wienges DC

                                      In the Circuit Court Fifth Judicial
                                      Circuit of Florida Alachua County
John T. Tippett                          }             In Chancery
      vs                                 }
Amander W. Barrs J.C. Barrs & C.C. Barrs } Bill To Establish Lien &c
who were partners doing business under   }
the firm name and style of the           }
Barrs Lumber Company.                    }
This cause coming on to be heard upon the pleadings and proofs herein
upon the evidence as reported by the Master in Chancery upon motion upon
motion of the complainants solicitor for a final decree,
and upon consideration whereof it appearing to the court that
the complainant is entitled to the relief prayed for in his Bill of
complaint herein against the said partnership firm of the
"Barrs Lumber Company, which was composed of Amander W. Barrs
J.C. Barrs and C.C. Barrs. And it further appearing to the court
that since the commencement of this suit the said J.C. Barrs has departed
this life and that the said Amander W. Barrs has been duly appointed
and qualified as the Administrator of the estate of the said J.C. Barrs
deced, and has been as such Administrator made a party defendant
to this suit. And it further appearing to the Court that the said
Complainant John T. Tippett did perform the work and labor as
alleged in said Bill of Complaint and that there was due to the 
complainant from the said Barrs Lumber Company at the Commen=
cement of this suit the sum of fourteen hundred and forty dollars
($1440.00) the price and value of the said work and labor as
alleged in said Bill of Complaint. It is therefore ordered adjudged
and decreed by the court that the said complainant John T. Tippett
do have and recover of and from the said defendants Amander
W. Barrs in his own personal obligation and as a member of the
firm of the Barrs Lumber Company, and as Administrator of
the Estate of John C. Barrs deceased who was a member of the said
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 28 February 2015
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