Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 523
partnership firm of the Barrs Lumber Company out of the goods chattels
lands and tenements of the said J.C. Barrs deceased and also of and
from the said C.C. Barrs as partners doing business as the "Barrs Lumber
Company" the said sum of Fourteen hundred and forty dollars ($1440.00)
And it is further ordered adjudged and decreed, by the Court that the
said complainant is entitled to a statutory laborers lien on the property
therein described in said Bill to wit: on the Engines saw and shingle
and stove mill which were at the commencement of this suit situated
on the said land therein described viz: Blocks 75 and 75 of Fosters
survey of High Springs Alachua County Florida and also upon said
lots of land upon which said mill and fixtures were then situated
To wit upon said Blocks 74 & 75 of High Springs aforesaid, said lien to
operate from the commencement of this suit.
And it is further ordered and decreed by the court that the said property
above described both real & personal be advertised and sold at public
out cry according to law by E.E. Voyle a Master of this court subject
to all prior liens Existing and valid at the time of the Commence of this
suit which were then duly recorded and that the complainant is a
purchaser the purchase price to be credited on this decree, and if there
is any deficit at said sale that Execution issue against the said several
defendants for the said deficit and to be collected according to law from
the said several defendants individually and as administrators upon
the goods and chattels of said J.C. Barrs deced
          Done at Chambers at Ocala Fla Sept 24th 1897
                              W.A. Hocker
 Filed September 24th 1897 Recorded September 29th 1897
                     H.C. Denton Clerk
                       per S.H. Wienges

                         In the Circuit Court Alachua County
                                       In Chancery
Julia R. Furman as admix with Will }
annexed of W.A. Colclough decd     } Petition for Rehearing
          vs                       }
James Edd & Henry Robinson         }
                             Petition for rehearing presented the 21st Sept
1897 & argued by Wm Wade Hampton for Petitioners & E.C.F.  for complainant
on Examination of the petition & record, I am of opinion that there is an
Error in the calculation of the amount due Complainant and allowed in
the decree as of the 25th July AD 1896 according to W.A. Colclough testimony
on the 1st Nov 1878 there was due 5785 lbs cotton worth 6 cents per lb total
$347 10/100 Interest on this amount at 8% to 25 July AD 1896 date of the decree
is $495 02/ total $842 12/ amount actually due at the date of the decree
There was an error also in allowing solicitors fee of $150.00 as there is no
provision in the mortgage for a solicitors fee - I do not find any other Errors
in the record, and these I am opinion can be reached under the
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 28 February 2015
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