Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 527
links to the place of beginning. Also another lot in the same section township
and range particularly described as follows to wit: Beginning 20 feet from the Florida
Southern Railway's road-bed where the public road leading from Rochelle via Cross
Creek to the "Island" crosses said Rail Road and 30 feet East of the NE corner of
J.L. Myer's 3 acre lot (deed to said lot being recorded in deed book "V" page 25 of
the public records of Alachua County running east parallel with said Rail
Road 210 feet; thence south parallel with said public road 420 feet; thence West parallel
with said rail road 210 feet to said public road thence along the East side and
parallel with said road 420 feet to the place of beginning to satisfy and pay said
decree fees and costs and that the said Master do make execute and deliver
to the said purchaser or purchasers of and for said property good and sufficient
title and therefor and do put the said purchaser or purchasers of said property
in possession thereof and do pay the proceeds arising from the sale of said property
to the complainant or to its solicitor of record and the over plus after the payment
of this decree fees and costs be paid into the registry of this Court to be applied
as the Court may direct; that after the sale of said property the said defendants
Charles White and Cinderella White his wife and each of then and all and every
person or persons, that now claim the said property or any part thereof by through
or under them or either of them or that may hereafter claim the same may
thereafter stand absolutely and forever debarred and foreclosed of and from
all right or equity of redemption of in or to the said property and every part
thereof; that in the event the proceeds arising from said sale shall be
insufficient to pay the full amount of said decree fees and costs, then in that
event that the said Master do make report of such deficiency to the court for
such order and further decree herein as may be deemed proper.
Done and ordered at chambers at Ocala Florida on this 14th day of October AD 1897
                                  W.A. Hocker
Filed October 15th 1897 Recorded October 19th 1897
                          H.C. Denton Clerk
                         per S.H. Wienges DC

            In the Circuit Court Alachua County 5th Judicial
               Circuit of Florida        In Chancery
M.T. Park     }
   vs         } Foreclosure Injunction &c
S.G. Matthews }
             This cause coming on to be heard upon petition for
rehearing and it appearing from said petition that the defendants
initials S.G. was by some accidental slip or clerical mistake transposed
and made G.S. and as it appears from the record in said cause
that said defendants initials should be S.G. it is therefore ordered
adjudged and decreed that complainants be allowed to transpose
said initials and that said decree be against S.G. Matthews
Done and ordered this 2nd day Novr AD 1897
                              W.A. Hocker
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 28 February 2015
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