Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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the defendant having filed certified copy of letters of administration
of said administrator and moving for order reviving this suit in the
name of said administrator and the Court being advised in the
premises thereupon Consideration hereof it is ordered and adjudged and
decreed that this cause and the same is herein and hereby revived in the
name of W.K. Haile as administrator of and for the estate of Esther
S. Haile deceased and that said cause do continue in the name of the
administrator as complainant herein as though the said original
complainant the said Esther S. Haile had not died
Done and ordered at Chambers at Bronson Florida on this 24th
day of November AD 1897
                         W.A. Hocker
Filed November 25 1897 Recorded November 25th 1897
                                   H.C. Denton Clerk
                                   pr S.H. Wienges D C

                         In the Circuit County Fifth Judicial Circuit
                         of Florida in and for Alachua County
                                   In Chancery

Cornelia Boba    }
    vs           }    Bill for Relief, etc
Henry Hall       }
                 This cause coming on for a hearing upon motion
of Complainant to dismiss said cause for want of prosecution, and
being argued by Counsel for the respective parties hereto, and the Court
being advised in the premises, it is, upon consideration hereof
considered, ordered, adjudged and decreed that said motion be and
and the same is hereby sustained and that said suit be and the
same is hereby dismissed without prejudice to the bringing of an
action in Ejectment by the said Complainant for the recovery of poss-
-ession of the premises herein involved.
Done and ordered at Chambers at Bronson Fla this 22nd day of November AD 1897
                           W.A. Hocker, Judge
Filed for Record and Recorded this 26th day of November AD 1897
                           H.C. Denton
                           Clerk Circuit Court

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 16 October 2010
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