Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 535
                                  Fall Term A.D. 1897         
            State atty, prosecuting in the name & by authority ^ the State of Florida and the
            prisoner George Jackson being in open Court in his proper per-
            son was arraigned and upon his arraignment pleaded not guilty
            and thereafter withdrew his plea of not guilty and enter a plea
            of guilty as charged in the indictment against him.
              Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner as follows, to wit:
(Sentence)  The sentence of the law is that you George Jackson be imprisoned
            by confinement in the State Prison at hard labor for one year.

            State of Florida }
                  vs         } Breaking and entering with intent to commit a Felony
            Robert Bethune   } 
                             And now this cause came on to be heard Syd L. Carter
            State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the authority of the
            State of Florida and the prisoner Robert Bethune appearing
            in Open Court in his proper person was arraigned and upon his
            arraignment saith that he is guilty of the charge as alleged in
            the indictment against him.
              Whereupon the Court sentenced the prisoner
            in manner and form as follows, to wit:
(Sentence)  The sentence of the law is that you Robert Bethune be impris-
            oned by confinement in the State Prison at hard labor for one

            State of Florida }
                  vs         } Breaking and entering with
            Frank Wright     } intent to commit a Misdemeanor
                       And now this cause coming on to be heard
            Syd L. Carter, State Attorney, prosecuting in the name and by
            the authority of the State of Florida and the prisoner Frank
            Wright appearing in Open Court in his proper person was ar-
            raigned and upon his arraignment saith that he is guilty as
            charged in the indictment against him.
                                Whereupon the Court sentenced
            the prisoner in manner and form as follows to wit:
(Sentence)  The sentence of the law is that ^ Frank Wright be imprisoned
            by confinement in the State Prison at hard labor for one year
            State of Florida }
                   vs        } Assault with intent to murder
            James Morey      }
                         And now this cause coming on to be heard Syd L. Carter
            State Attorney, prosecuting in the name and by the authority of the
            State of Florida and the prisoner James Morey appearing in open
            Court in his proper person was arraigned and upon his arraignment 
            saith that he is not guilty of the charge as alleged in the indict-
            ment against him.
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 1 March 2015
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