Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 536
            Fall Term A.D. 1897
         Wednesday December 15th 1897
State of Florida }    Syd L. Carter
        vs       }  Assault with intent to murder
Harmon Hathcox   }  B.A. Thrasher & Evans Haile
               And now this cause came on to be heard,
Syd L. Carter State Attorney, prosecuting in the name and by
the authority of the State of Florida and the prisoner Harmon
Hathcox appearing in open Court in his proper person as also his
Attorneys B.A. Thrasher and Evans Haile Esqrs was arraigned
and upon his arraignment saith that he is not guilty and puts
himself upon God and the Country for trial - Whereupon a
jury was called and there came R.Y. Tate, A.G. Colclough,
J.M. Turner W.G. Sanders, L.N. Roberts and Henry Parish who
were duly empaneled and sworn to well and truly try the issue between
the State of Florida and the Defendant according to the evidence,
And the jury aforesaid after hearing the evidence and the Charge
of the Court retired to consider of their verdict and after due
Consideration thereof they returned into open Court and rendered
the following verdict, to wit:
                      We the Jury find the defendant guilty
of aggravated assault
                      A.G. Colclough
And now the Grand Jury came into open Court and made
the following report, to wit:

State of Florida }  Indictment for
         vs      }  Murder
Richard James    }  A True Bill,
                        Orville B. Bailey Foreman of the
State Witnesses:        Grand Jury
Josephine Agerson Joseph Furgerson &
Richard Cowens.

State of Florida }
        vs       }  Arson
Henry Joiner     } Not a true bill
                         Orville B. Bailey
State of Florida }         Foreman of the Grand Jury
        vs       }
Will Wilson and  }  Not a True Bill
Jesse Baker      }     Orville B. Bailey
                             Foreman of the Grand Jury

Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 6 December 2014
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