Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Judgment Docket 8
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Judgment Docket 8 Page 538
                   Fall Term AD 1897
               Thursday December 16th 1897
Whereupon by order of the Court N.M. Allred was sworn in as
Assistant State Attorney by the Clerk of this Court.

State of Florida }
      vs         } Assault with intent to rape
Elijah Williams  }
               And now this cause coming on to be heard Syd
L. Carter State Attorney prosecuting in the name and by the author-
ity of the State of Florida and the prisoner Elijah Williams
appearing in open Court in his proper person as well as by his
Attorney J.M. Rivers Esq was arraigned and upon his arraign-
ment saith that he is not guilty and for good and evil puts
himself upon God and the Country for trial. Whereupon a Jury
was called and there came R.Y. Tate, J.M. Turner, W.G. Sanders
L.N. Roberts, Henry Parish and W.L. Ellis who were duly empan-
eled and sworn to well and truly try the issue between the State of
Florida and the defendant according to the evidence and the
Jury aforesaid after hearing the evidence the argument of counsel
and charge of the Court retired to consider of their verdict and
after due consideration thereof returned into Open Court and ren-
dered the following verdict to wit:
We the Jury find the Defendant Guilty
                        J.M. Turner
State of Florida                         }
      vs                                 } Action to recover on bond
Ernest King and Richard Johnson Defts    }
and J.M. Fryer & W.G. Shehee as sureties }
                       Alias notice ordered issued, directed
to the sureties in the above stated case

State of Florida                  }
      vs                          } Action to recover on bond
Alex Stevens Defendant &          }
J.B. Dill & W.G. Shehee, sureties }
                      Alias notice ordered issued, directed to
the sureties on bond of defendant in the above stated cause

State of Florida                      }
       vs                             } Action to recover on bond
Silas Davis, Defendant &              }
Jesse Taylor & Isaih Taylor, sureties }
                     Alias notice ordered issued, directed to sureties
on bond of defendant in the above stated cause
Transcribed by Charlotte Vallellanes 1 March 2015
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